Health & Medical Pain Diseases

How to Fix Back Pain Naturally

To fix back and neck pain naturally, you need to know the cause so you can work at reversing the process naturally.
One of the main causes of Back and neck pain is bad posture.
Forward head posture and forward pelvic tilt are terms used by health professionals to explain incorrect body alignment or bad posture.
Forward head posture simply means that your head is sitting forward from your body which causes extra stress on the muscles in your neck, shoulders and running down your upper back.
This can cause headaches and upper back pain so check next time you pass a mirror or window and see if your head sits forward or if you notice your chin jutting out when you become tense, especially when driving.
Forward pelvic tilt means that your pelvis is tilted forwards which causes your lower back to arch.
This puts extra stress on the mid and lower back muscles and can cause back pain.
Do you notice that your lower back pain is worse when you stand for a long time? The reason we have gotten into such bad shape is that we spend a lot of time sitting in cars, sitting at computers and sitting at desks...
when you sit for long periods of time your shoulders and head hunch forwards and your hip flexors (the muscles in front of your hips) shorten.
Sitting is one of the main causes of forward pelvic tilt and forward head posture.
So how do you fix it? There are a few simple exercises you can do in your own home to return your body to correct working function in a few weeks...

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