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Lawn Care Tips for a Healthy Green Lawn

Caring for your lawn well takes more than just mowing and watering.
Grass is a plant like any other and for it to look its best there are a number of tasks you should be doing.
This article addresses these issues; if you follow the tips below you will have a beautiful green even lawn to enjoy.
Mowing lawns seems like a simple task, just run your mower over your lawn and you're done.
Far too many people tend to cut their grass too brutally.
Setting the blades at the lowest points is not advisable as it leads to thin and dying out grass.
Over time you will kill your lawn by moving too short.
Remember grass is a plant and it gets food from is leaves.
Cutting them too short cuts their life line.
What people don't tend to know is that fertilizing grass doesn't just make it green, it does a multitude of things.
For newly sewn lawn fertilizer makes the seed germinate faster.
Fertilizing your grass should be done around 4 times a year.
Always follow the guidelines on the back of the bag because you don't want to add too much fertilizer as that will lead to too much excess growth, which leads to fungus and will overall weaken the grass.
So always use the amount advised even if you think it doesn't look like much.
Weeding lawns is vital to its health and also overall appearance.
One of the main differences to lawns with care is that the grass is level and smooth.
You don't get that with unkept lawns as weeds will grow at different times creating an uneven look in the height of the lawn.
Aerating and dethatching is another important job in keeping grass at peak condition.
Aerating is where small holes get punched into the lawn to get moisture and air to the soil and roots.
You can get machines like lawn mowers except they roll spikes across the lawn.
You can also get special shoes with spikes on which you can walk around on your lawn.
Of you could get a metal rake and take your frustrations out on your lawn! Either way your lawn will benefit.
Dethatching is simply the removal of organic matter which can build up.
You can remove this with a rake.
Watering is very important when the weather is dry.
This can be quite a chore but can be made easier with sprinklers or other automated water systems.
There are modern automatic systems which will water your lawn via a program you set.
So if the weather is particularly dry you can program it to water the lawn once or twice a day.
In this day and age we should all be thinking about recycling water.
Water buts can be used in the garden to collect rain water which can then get used on your lawn or other parts of your garden when needed.

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