Home & Garden Home Improvement

Sticky Messes and Stains Require Resolve Carpet Cleaner Granules

If you have children in your home then you need to start keeping resolve carpet cleaner granules in your household cleaning inventory.
As this is not a commonly known product, few consumers know about this cleaner, and the wonderful benefits it produces in keeping your carpeting spot free.
Most times the directions for a stain remover will instruct you to dampen the blemished area to help loosen any debris; this is not the case with carpet cleaner rentals.
Resolve actually recommends that user to let the stain dry, then apply the granules and using the brush provided with the package as it magically starts erasing dried on ice cream or worse yet chocolate syrup.
From reading online reviews searching for coupons to save money this writer found out about this little secret weapon that resolve makes in how fabulous the results were when getting spaghetti sauce, or even blood out of an area rug, or family room wall-to-wall carpeting.
Some reviewers stated that even though they treated the stain as instructed, it might require some additional treatments to totally remove any remnants of said stain.
But for the most part, a majority of the reviews I read were spun in a positive light, but as usual every product has its naysayers, and will complain about anything to just get attention.
There are also consumers at times will complain about a product, and the mere fact that they never read the instructions is not revealed, so their complaints are not justified in reality.
Grandparents who have young grandbabies that often visit should keep these granules handy as small children love to run around with food in their hands and stain up everything in sight.
After they leave, and over the next several days you will always find the little stains on your carpets that your tiny angels deposited as they were running around, and not only dropping food items, but grinding them in with their little Reebok shoes.
Fortunately, the granules are made to be used after the stain has been set-in.
These magical granules absorb the dried in stain, unlike its competitors that try to dissolve the foreign object, and sometimes damage the fibers of the carpeting.
For some unknown reason this invention seems to work well with spills that contains sugar, or tomato-based food products.
It is unknown why this is true but it is a benefit as those two ingredients are in most basic household food items.
So the next time you're at the store pick up a bottle, and keep it handy for your next visit that will have toddlers traversing your home with popsicles in their hands.

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