Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Facts About Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea - a medical situation where the breathing of a person stops within 10 to 15 seconds or the real breathing capability of a person is significantly reduced more or less by 25%.
Due to this reason, the oxygen level which is passed into the blood decreases by approximately 4% paving the manner for various disorders and other health dangers.
Sleep Apnea became an ordinary medical condition that affected nearly ten percent of the populace.
It was found out that men were affected mostly by this condition while women after menopausal were more in danger to be diagnosed with this medical condition.
Health concerns: There are many health dangers linked to apnea.
The following are the various medical situations connected to apnea: -Heart diseases -Stroke -Problems on blood pressure -Sexual dysfunction -Thyroid problems -Problems on memory and concentration -Irritability, depression and mood swing -Excessive and constant sleepiness Causes - there are some reasons linked to this type of sleep disorder, and the most important causes are the following: -Being Overweight -Small nasal passage, large tonsils or adenoids -More than fair use of tranquilizers, recreational drugs or stimulants -Congestive nasal passage because of colds or allergies -Deviated nasal septum Symptoms Snoring is the most regular symptom linked to this sleep disorder apnea.
However, snoring alone is not the chief detector of this dilemma.
There are some symptoms together with snoring which can be associated with sleep apnea.
When this situation takes place if someone is sleeping, it is hard to determine if one is having sleep apnea.
Several symptoms aside from snoring: -Fatigue after having full sleep at night -Issues on memory and concentration -Regular feeling of fatigue -Being unstable emotionally -Issues on anger management -Being dependent to stimulants to keep awake -Feeling asleep while having stationary movements

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