Health & Medical Body building

The Lazy Man"s Way to Ripped Six Pack Abs

If you're looking to get that wash board abs look like Brad Pitt or that chick on the old terminator movies then here is how you can save the frustration using nonsense diets.
Here is exactly what you need to know about getting ripped abs.
First what does your midsection look like? Is it covered in a layer of body fat? I will show you how to uncover those abs.
It's not a diet and it will work like gangbusters.
It's just a simple tweak.
I will get to that in a minute.
And you will lose a couple of pounds of fat to boot.
First, why can't you see your abs? The quick answer is there are engorged fat cells clinging on to your abs.
Those people on the show survivor will give you a clue on how to get ripped abs.
I don't want anyone to think I'm saying starve yourself, I'm just saying a change in diet and exercise has profound effects on the body.
So how can you use that as an example? Easy change your diet but don't go on a diet.
Here's is how.
This is not a diet plan just a suggestion.
First pick a food you always eat that's high in calories and replace it with a food that's low in calories.
Here is an example: I love cookies but I know they are high in empty calories, so I replaced the cookies with apples and oranges.
I just took the cookie jar, emptied it and replaced it with a bowl full of fruit.
The most important part is to put it in the same spot the cookie jar was in.
It's just a change in food not a change in habit.
I still go the same place to fill my craving, but I use a different food.
This will reduce your calories instantly and that takes me to my next point.
That's how to lose extra pounds.
And the best part is when you lose those extra pounds you will have more energy.
More energy equals more motivation to change.
You will start to see a change in your body and that will also give you more energy and motivation.
It's like an endless loop of losing fat.
Now that you know how to change what you eat you will start to see those abs peek out from under their winter coat of fat.
That is what you really want isn't it? So go out and make that one change and start on the road to six pack abs.

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