Yoga And Universal Energy
What is Universal energy? Due to science, and our unwavering belief in scientific research, we have found that huge amounts of energy exist at the atomic and astronomic levels.
Now, no one can doubt that a rock contains energy within it.
In Yoga, we refer to universal energy as Prana or life force.
In Chinese medicine, and Chinese martial arts, this same energy is referred to as "Chi.
" In Japanese martial arts, this same force is known as "Ki.
" Reiki, a hands-on healing art, literally means, "Universal life force.
" How could the ancients be so "in tune" with nature, without our scientific instruments? The ancient scholars took the time to observe nature and be a part of it.
They observed the workings of the body and developed Yoga for complete health maintenance.
Today, we have children who barely take the time to observe birds.
In fact, the virtual world of video games, iPods, and PC's, is more real to some children than physical existence itself.
The virtual aspect of life creates a culture of unconscious existence.
Some of us do so much unconscious eating, that we are not mindful of what we ate last night or how much.
Unplugging ourselves from the latest technical advances allows us to get back to nature and realize the existence of Prana (Universal Energy).
Getting "back to nature," allows us to cultivate Prana, and literally, "recharge our batteries.
" Cultivation of larger amounts of Prana is much like a vacation.
So, where does Prana exist in greater quantities? The ancient and modern Yogis agree that Prana is more abundant in open spaces.
We can feel it at the beach, lakes, mountains, fields, and in the desert.
Science now tells us that we need negative ions, which we will find in abundance, when we visit any body of water.
There are machines that can create negative ions in your home, but to take a "Prana vacation" - you will need much more than a machine.
To cultivate Prana for a single day, you must be in harmony with nature and the universe.
Just by taking a walk to an open space, being mindful of nature, and practicing Pranayama for part of the day, will easily make you feel at peace with yourself.
In fact, you may sleep like a baby, when you "wind down," later in the day.
It is wise to invite friends and family for a mini-vacation, when possible.
You do not even have to mention Prana, Universal Energy, or Yoga, to observe the benefits they will receive from a short "Prana Vacation.
" © Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications
Now, no one can doubt that a rock contains energy within it.
In Yoga, we refer to universal energy as Prana or life force.
In Chinese medicine, and Chinese martial arts, this same energy is referred to as "Chi.
" In Japanese martial arts, this same force is known as "Ki.
" Reiki, a hands-on healing art, literally means, "Universal life force.
" How could the ancients be so "in tune" with nature, without our scientific instruments? The ancient scholars took the time to observe nature and be a part of it.
They observed the workings of the body and developed Yoga for complete health maintenance.
Today, we have children who barely take the time to observe birds.
In fact, the virtual world of video games, iPods, and PC's, is more real to some children than physical existence itself.
The virtual aspect of life creates a culture of unconscious existence.
Some of us do so much unconscious eating, that we are not mindful of what we ate last night or how much.
Unplugging ourselves from the latest technical advances allows us to get back to nature and realize the existence of Prana (Universal Energy).
Getting "back to nature," allows us to cultivate Prana, and literally, "recharge our batteries.
" Cultivation of larger amounts of Prana is much like a vacation.
So, where does Prana exist in greater quantities? The ancient and modern Yogis agree that Prana is more abundant in open spaces.
We can feel it at the beach, lakes, mountains, fields, and in the desert.
Science now tells us that we need negative ions, which we will find in abundance, when we visit any body of water.
There are machines that can create negative ions in your home, but to take a "Prana vacation" - you will need much more than a machine.
To cultivate Prana for a single day, you must be in harmony with nature and the universe.
Just by taking a walk to an open space, being mindful of nature, and practicing Pranayama for part of the day, will easily make you feel at peace with yourself.
In fact, you may sleep like a baby, when you "wind down," later in the day.
It is wise to invite friends and family for a mini-vacation, when possible.
You do not even have to mention Prana, Universal Energy, or Yoga, to observe the benefits they will receive from a short "Prana Vacation.
" © Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications