Organic Vegetable Gardening - How Necessary Is It In Your Life?
Much has been said about the benefits of organic vegetable gardening:
On whom can we expect to depend if hunger pangs become imminent? For some of us this is a "wake-up call" that spells: "back to basics" on the subject of food.
Now on the brighter side! Excellent quality organic food can be grown in an organic vegetable garden by nearly anyone - inexpensively - and in most soils and weather conditions.
Organic home gardening does not require much space for the growing.
Also if you do it right, there is little maintenance involved in some growing methods in your organic vegetable garden, just because of the way the planting is done.
Such methods use organic garden pest control to protect your precious crop from attacks.
And there's variety and freshness and fragrance and nourishment: all the best of what can be enjoyed in Nature's harvest.
Then there's the seasonal aspect.
The planting can be planned to yield harvest during most of the year.
With minimal work and so much to reap and enjoy, I would almost say: what are we waiting for? The pleasure alone would be worth preparing for the possibility of upcoming necessity.
And if that never materializes, so much the better! Our organic vegetable gardening efforts give us lovely foods to enjoy and that will nourish us and give us knowledge and experience that is ours forever to use and share!
- no toxic pesticides or herbicides to compromise your health
- a harmonious interrelation between the earth and your plants, and the healthy organic garden soil organisms that support them
- and mainly superior taste, freshness and nutrition for you and your family
- plus the joy of eating, giving, even selling fruits and veggies that you can truly be proud of.
- rising food prices and transportation costs
- more take-over of market share by big agricultural growers
- untested GMO's contaminating organic crops
- and of course giants like Monsanto who have everything legally in place to protect themselves from the responsibility of their own originated GMO's
- then there are laws that are passed "weeding out" the smaller farmers who may grow produce that you prefer
- all under the guise of "food safety"
- and this equals fewer healthy choices for what you are allowed by our governments to purchase and consume
- plus the precarious positions of those state and federal governments themselves trying to shell out more of their monies to give more powers of enforcement of those laws to the FDA and such "unbiased" agencies, further depleting their own ailing budgets.
On whom can we expect to depend if hunger pangs become imminent? For some of us this is a "wake-up call" that spells: "back to basics" on the subject of food.
Now on the brighter side! Excellent quality organic food can be grown in an organic vegetable garden by nearly anyone - inexpensively - and in most soils and weather conditions.
Organic home gardening does not require much space for the growing.
Also if you do it right, there is little maintenance involved in some growing methods in your organic vegetable garden, just because of the way the planting is done.
Such methods use organic garden pest control to protect your precious crop from attacks.
And there's variety and freshness and fragrance and nourishment: all the best of what can be enjoyed in Nature's harvest.
Then there's the seasonal aspect.
The planting can be planned to yield harvest during most of the year.
With minimal work and so much to reap and enjoy, I would almost say: what are we waiting for? The pleasure alone would be worth preparing for the possibility of upcoming necessity.
And if that never materializes, so much the better! Our organic vegetable gardening efforts give us lovely foods to enjoy and that will nourish us and give us knowledge and experience that is ours forever to use and share!