Health & Medical Acne

Annihilate Acne Now in Just 3 Short Days!Guaranteed!

You've tried it all.
You've done it all.
Now you have a major event to go to in just a few days and you got a breakout!You haven't had a flare-up like this in months.
You look around at all your medications and try to make sense of this.
What can you do to treat acne that will work fast? There are some remedies that people do not realize are great to use in your fight against acne.
oTea tree oil - This is perfect for this type of situation.
You'll have to buy it at the health food store but it's worth it.
Dab it on your pimples before bed then wash it off with warm water in the morning.
oOatmeal and warm water paste - This one is very good for any skin condition.
Mix the oatmeal (100% whole oats not instant) with warm water adding enough just to make a paste.
I know this is a strange way to treat acne, but it really can work.
Wash your face and then apply the oatmeal mixture all over.
Lie down for 30 minutes.
Believe me, you won't be able to go anywhere with this stuff on.
Rinse with warm water.
Your skin will feel and look much better.
Do this every morning and night.
oThe infamous toothpaste treatment - Dab unflavored toothpaste (not gel) on each blemish right before you go to bed.
Let it stay on all night.
Rinse the next morning with warm water.
You will be very surprised at how the toothpaste dried up your pimples.
It's a pretty good way to treat acne when you need the zits gone quickly.
All of the above will definitely help with your situation in trying to get a clear face in just 3 days.
Make sure you do each tip exactly like it says to do it.
Follow these suggestions and you will be on your way to hopefully clearing up some of the pimples before your special event.
Don't forget; try not to stress and eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Also drink as much water as you can tolerate.
If you do it all, it will be a good acne treatment.

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