Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Five remedies for the common cold

Recovering from a cold can be achieved by varied remedies.  While conventional medicine recommends over the counter medication, there are several treatments found at home which shouldn't be ignored. Consider some of the following cures which have been passed down from generation to generation.

Chicken Soup

Chicken soup is an often prescribed treatment for the cold by mothers everywhere.  The ingredients provide protein and vitamins which help the body's immune system.  It has been proven to reduce the white blood cells that cause the respiratory symptoms of colds. 

 Fluids and Vitamin C

To reduce congestion drink plenty of juice, water and broth.  Also avoid alcohol, caffeinated drinks and specifically coffee.

Taking Vitamin C several times a day is recommended as it has been proven to reduce the duration of a cold.  It increases the body's ability to fight disease and has little adverse effects even when taken in large doses.


Using a humidifier helps treat scratchy throats and runny noses.  It has been discovered that the cold virus thrives in dry conditions.  This is also why colds are common during the winter when the cold eliminates humid air.


Allician is the compound in garlic that is useful in fighting colds.  When garlic is used as a cold remedy it is best to chop it or crush it to increase the potency of allician.  It is a natural antibacterial but it is important to be aware that garlic also reduces blood glucose levels and increases insulin levels in the body.  People who use drugs to lower blood sugar should limit the amount of garlic that they eat. In addition to using garlic to treat a cold, it has also been proven as an effective preventative measure in catching a cold.


Ginger increases the body's perspiration which in turn helps to cleanse the system.  One of its other effects is that it reduces body temperature.  When taken in tea with lemon and honey it is an effective remedy for a cold on two levels, combining the positive elements of ginger and vitamin C.  This method also helps to hydrate the body.

If your symptoms last more than two weeks it is important that you consult a doctor and let them know all the methods that you have tried as a cold remedy.  Using home remedies to cure a cold can also work in combination with medicine prescribed by a professional.

To learn more about remedies check out cold remedies or home cold remedies

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