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How To Effectively Attract And Impress Women

We usually decide whether we would like to get to know people based on their appearance, what they say and how they usually say it. In order to learn how to effectively attract and impress women, it is very important to focus on improving in these areas.

1. Appearance

People usually make up their minds about whether to approach or avoid us or welcome or reject our attentions based on our outfits. In order to look your best, ask someone else's opinion on your clothing such as your female friends or acquaintances.

You do not need to be dressed to the nines or employ a stylist but you simply need to ensure that you take time to ensure that you are appropriately dressed. We all know that when we look good, we feel good and confident to approach any situation.

Taking care of yourself means taking care of how you look. Being a sloppy dresser is another way of showing that you do not care for yourself. If you do not care for yourself, how can you care for another?

If you are not naturally gifted stylistically, go to a bar or club and see what the well dressed are wearing and emulate. Subscribe to GQ and see what is in or more importantly the type of dressing that will not go out of style and is classic. It is important to not be too trendy.

It is also important to dressing and grooming yourself in a way that you remain comfortable. If you like beards, it may mean that instead of growing an unruly beard, you simply ensure that it is properly maintained and shaped and gives you a polished look. Start from what clothes are comfortable for you and find options that allow you to look polished.

If you are into accessories such as jewelry, tattoos, hats, etc, you can incorporate these to further enhance your image. Decide and even get help with the accessories that best showcase you.

2. What You Say

An effective conversation is a proper balance of give and take. Both of you should have equal opportunity to add meaningful conversation. In order to be meaningful and make an impact, try to incorporate funny stories. Humor is an aphrodisiac and will lighten the mood and ensure that you are both relaxed and enjoy each other.

Discuss your goals and dreams. Women like a man with ambition that is going somewhere with his life. Having purpose is also an aphrodisiac. You also want to ask about the woman's goals and her dreams.

Actively listen to the woman. If you are an effective listener, you will be able to find additional interesting topics to talk about from what the woman is saying. Do not be afraid to shut up and listen.

Tease the woman. Tease her about something she said. Give her a funny nickname but do not be offensive in the humor or your funny stories.

This is a fresh start so do not use this as an opportunity to discuss your ex girlfriend and do not talk too much about yourself and your possessions unless you are looking for a gold digger. Do not overly try to impress her with what you have. Impress her with who you are.

3. How You Say It

If you have a great delivery, you can turn a boring story into an exciting or funny story. It is all in the delivery. Be excited about what you are saying and do not deliver what you are saying in a dull monotone voice. Use your voice to convey excitement about what you have to say.

Get to the point and discard all unnecessary details. It is important to use your body. Moving your body changes the energy level in your body. It is no surprise that when you feel a lack of energy, you are encouraged to move. Enthusiasm is contagious so use your arms, your hands so that your body language conveys energy and excitement.

Change the pitch of your voice when things are going well such as lowering your voice into that Barry White voice of yours. When telling her a funny anecdote, a louder and excited pitch is recommended.

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