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Secrets to Making a Guy Chase You - This is What the Naturals Use

Have you ever watched ordinary women get chased like crazy by men? Have you ever wondered how they do it? Have you ever wanted to know what it would be like to be on the other end of the relationship and have the guy chase you? If you answered yes to these questions, then this article will help you to know the top secrets that the naturals use to get men to chase them.
Men live for a challenge.
If a girl isn't challenging enough, he will very quickly get bored and move on to another girl.
By showing a guy that he can have all of your attention without really working, you take away from the excitement of chasing you.
This means that he won't linger around you long.
Instead, he will move on to a more exciting chase.
Probably the most important thing that you need to learn is that you should always play hard to get.
This gives men something to chase and pursue.
If you give him a challenge, then he will pursue you.
Make yourself a worthy challenge, and he will not only pursue you, but he will stick around.
However, it is also important to remember that you don't want to be impossible to get.
This will wear him out and leave him feeling defeated.
After a while, he will simply give up.
Avoid this pitfall by giving him encouragement through flirting.
You also want to work on making yourself more mysterious.
If you give your whole life story right from the beginning, he won't have anything new to discover about you.
This doesn't mean you should be dishonest, it just means that you don't have to divulge every little detail of your life.
When he asks about your weekend, keep your answer as vague as possible.
As you can see, it is rather simple to get a guy to chase you.
Simply give him an opportunity to show off his manliness, give him a challenge, and make yourself mysterious.
Doing these things will get him excited about pursuing you, and he will have fun doing it.

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