Health & Medical Acne

How to Use Niaouli Oil to Be Acne Free Forever

Niaouli oil and Acne While common acne treatment drugs do not work for everyone, people often look towards different approaches towards acne treatments.
One popular method to get rid of acne is naturally.
There are a lot of products that are reported to help get rid of acne naturally.
This post will look at the not so popular oil niaouli oil.
Niaouli oil is extracted from the Melaleuca viridiflora of the Myrtaceae family.
It is generally used as an oil for aromatherapy but it is powerful properties as an antiseptic has made this oil quite powerful in helping treat acne.
It is found in parts of Australia which contain the evergreen tree which is characterised by its pointed leaves which contain spiky long yellow flowers.
The properties of niaouli oil are as follows: • anti-inflammatory • antiseptic • skin tonic Although the oil has many other beneficial properties which is why it is used in aromatherapy but it is these particular properties listed above that as acne sufferers we are particularly interested in.
The strong properties that niaouli oil has means it is quite similar to that of tea tree oil.
How to use niaouli oil Depending on what you want you want the oil to do there are various different ways in which you can use it.
One factor which determines this is the form you get the oil in.
You can burn the oil and use the vapour in order to help clear your head but for direct use on acne you can buy this oil either as oil or as a cream.
You can apply the cream on your skin and it will help fight against acne.
Due to its anti-inflammatory properties it will calm the acne down and its antiseptic properties will be cleaning all the bacteria that are related to acne.
To use as an oil you can either use it as a massage oil, something I have talked about in a post before as a possible treatment for acne.
Or if you want to relax or simply can't find anyone or are willing to pay for a massage then you can add a few drops into a bath and enjoy your night and de-stress.

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