How to Ask If a Guy Likes You! This is Real Easy to Do Once You Figure Out How to Do it Right
To know whether a guy likes you or not is not that easy and even the most enthusiastic girls of the lot find it difficult to approach a guy and ask his feelings about her.
But there are for sure some ways through which you can ask a guy whether he likes you or not.
We would, in this article, look at those different ways of asking a guy about his feelings for you.
Walk up to him and talk to him This probably is the best way to communicate one's feelings for another.
Talking on the face lets the listener know that you are confident and you are clear as to what you want.
But this only sounds easy.
Walking up to a guy and talking to him is not that very easy and that becomes even more difficult if you are in love with that guy.
Call him on the phone Most of the girls have a problem looking into the eyes of the guys and letting their feelings known.
But ensure that you express your affection for him in a romantic manner.
This is because he would not be able to see your face and everything will be only through your voice.
Text messages Text messages are the most instant of them all and it also does not involve your nerves.
Make use of the text option in your mobile and keep the message short and sweet so that he is eager to listen more from you in the future.
Ensure that you know the person's number otherwise you might end up sending the text to some unknown or wrong person.
Emails Emails are pretty much similar to mobile text but the only difference is that one can be more detailed and elaborate in an email.
You can also add emoting icons and images to make your email look even more attractive and interesting.
Snail mails Snail mails might sound like a stupid idea but this is vintage style and is considered to be one of the most romantic ways even today.
Asking a person whether he likes you or not through a snail mail will let the other person know that you like him a lot otherwise you would have not spent some quality time writing a letter for him then.
Ask his friends A guy might hide his feelings and thoughts from his family and relatives but he would never do that from his friends.
Ask his friends whether he really likes you or not.
They would probably know because he would have definitely discussed you if he really liked you.
Sign boards If you guys are working in the same office or college or school, then making a sign board and asking him the question would be very interesting way to ask his feelings for you.
You can keep the sign board either on the table or the desk.
But there are for sure some ways through which you can ask a guy whether he likes you or not.
We would, in this article, look at those different ways of asking a guy about his feelings for you.
Walk up to him and talk to him This probably is the best way to communicate one's feelings for another.
Talking on the face lets the listener know that you are confident and you are clear as to what you want.
But this only sounds easy.
Walking up to a guy and talking to him is not that very easy and that becomes even more difficult if you are in love with that guy.
Call him on the phone Most of the girls have a problem looking into the eyes of the guys and letting their feelings known.
But ensure that you express your affection for him in a romantic manner.
This is because he would not be able to see your face and everything will be only through your voice.
Text messages Text messages are the most instant of them all and it also does not involve your nerves.
Make use of the text option in your mobile and keep the message short and sweet so that he is eager to listen more from you in the future.
Ensure that you know the person's number otherwise you might end up sending the text to some unknown or wrong person.
Emails Emails are pretty much similar to mobile text but the only difference is that one can be more detailed and elaborate in an email.
You can also add emoting icons and images to make your email look even more attractive and interesting.
Snail mails Snail mails might sound like a stupid idea but this is vintage style and is considered to be one of the most romantic ways even today.
Asking a person whether he likes you or not through a snail mail will let the other person know that you like him a lot otherwise you would have not spent some quality time writing a letter for him then.
Ask his friends A guy might hide his feelings and thoughts from his family and relatives but he would never do that from his friends.
Ask his friends whether he really likes you or not.
They would probably know because he would have definitely discussed you if he really liked you.
Sign boards If you guys are working in the same office or college or school, then making a sign board and asking him the question would be very interesting way to ask his feelings for you.
You can keep the sign board either on the table or the desk.