Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

All Women Are A Little Bit Crazy!

All women are a little bit crazy, some more so than others, so if you're going to have a relationship with a woman or marry one until death, it's best if you resign yourself to living a long and happy life with a nut case.
Remember, one of the things that made you fall in love with her was cute at the time, but it's what you dislike about her later.
The love craziness doesn't have to manifest itself in large amounts, but as the male partner in a marriage, it's enough to make me want to climb the walls.
Here is how I have learned to tolerate and even learned to enjoy her small lapses of sanity: I've learned to keep quiet if the conversation gets heated.
I used to think I just had to have the last biting word of an intense disagreement.
I felt that it was very important to know how I felt.
Rarely are there fights that ever get truly settled by having the last word.
Frankly, she probably doesn't care at the moment about how I feel.
I try to be a better man than she is and casually walk away.
You try this solution and you will feel better about yourself and bring rationality to a fretful situation.
One of the things my wife does that make me grind my teeth is that she never answers a question with a simple yes or no answer.
In my experience this little quirk is not exclusively a female problem.
Men who know better, think nothing of spinning a yarn about nothing in order to evade a yes or no answer.
You expect that kind of answer from a politician, but not from your partner in life.
Watching television together is always a challenge for me.
As soon as a scene ends and a commercial is about to begin, my wife turns off the sound.
The mute button on our two month old TV is almost worn out already.
It is definitely not all bad; I have learned to read lips! She doesn't like commercials because she says they hurt her ears.
She has very sensitive hearing.
It is a fact that many commercials, especially automobile ads come over the air louder than the programs they are sponsoring.
To someone who thinks that many commercials are better than the shows they have bought into, it's a tragic turn of events.
There is a way to combat the craziness of women, but it requires some discipline on the part of the one who is on the receiving end of said craziness.
Most of the time my wife doesn't even recognize when that instant arrives when she shifts from the serene state of sanity to the vicious user of sarcasm.
Sarcasm only heats up an argument, so do your best not to fan the flames by using it yourself.
If the woman or man doesn't realize they have slipped the bonds of rationality, then no amount of persuasion or arguing will convince them they are not behaving sensibly.
The result of this is that you are not going to win the argument.
Any attempt to do so will just escalate that disagreement into a full-fledged battle.
Take it from someone who has had years to analyze and decipher the intricacies of the female mind, I can truly say that I'm not naïve enough to say that I understand it.
Anyone foolish enough to say they understand women is definitely someone you wouldn't want to buy a used car from.
The challenge for all of us is to love your partner and keep your mouth shut when the craziness begins.

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