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5 Strategies to Pleasure Her in Bed - How to Make Her Yearn For You Wildly

Having sex is something very pleasurable, memorable and special to a girl.
It's not something she does out of boredom and it's very important she can connect emotionally with her partner.
Knowing how to pleasure her in bed maybe something you might consider.
Women love sex as much as men does and it's very vital that you both get sexual satisfaction during the deed.
It's not just you - she wants to reach it as much as you do.
So below are five strategies to pleasure her in bed - and get her hot and wild with you in bed tonight:
  • Tease her.
    Nothing's going to happen if you just take off your clothes and have sex - it's a major mood-breaker and women can get easily turned off with this kind of strategy.
    Learn how to tease her first - take note of her body language, get her mentally stimulated - she'll be more participative later believe me.
  • Make it slow.
    Don't rush her - especially when making love.
    Make time for foreplay, kiss her passionately, let her caress you and take extra time in exploring each other's bodies.
    A woman needs to be pre-heated before she's ready that's why you better do the honors.
  • Whisper to her.
    Or better yet, whisper naughty things to her.
    Learn the art of dirty talking - she will be groaning and moaning you name all night long.
    Don't be scared to let her know that you're feeling good and ask her if she feels the same - she will be turned on big time.
  • Have a good time.
    Don't be too freaked out about the whole thing and don't focus on her along - enjoy the moment.
    It's sex.
    You're supposed to be feeling the pleasure.
    Seeing you desiring her and getting turned on will get her turned on too.
    Women are very keen and observant that's why you better let her see you're having a great time - no faking it, of course.
  • Make her go first.
    Women usually don't reach orgasm easily - the need more time.
    That's why it's her lover's duty to make her go first - it's a noble thing to do.
    It means you prioritize her and want to satisfy her in bed.
    Be patient and take things nice and slow - she will reach it sooner or later.
Are you still having trouble keeping a healthy relationship and knowing the right ways on how to pleasure your girlfriend? Do you want to know other ways on how to please a woman and how to be a great lover? Uncover more tips when it comes to seduction and even more on things that turn a girl on by visiting my website right now.
It holds all amazing techniques on how to be great and sensual with women you thought you'd never get a chance with!

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