How to Make a Paper Envelope for a CD
- 1). Center the CD at the top of a sheet of paper. Place the CD so that exactly half is on the paper and half off.
- 2). Fold the two sides of the paper over the CD. Remove the CD and crease down the folds.
- 3). Set the CD in the center of your folded paper. Make sure that the folded paper is the same width as the CD's diameter.
- 4). With the CD centered vertically and horizontally, fold the bottom of the paper over the CD. Remove the CD and make sure the paper is sharply creased.
- 5). Insert the CD into the space below the last fold. The CD should now be nestled in the bottom half of the vertical sheet of paper, between the two original folds, which will act like flaps holding in the disc.
- 6). Dog ear the two corners at the top of the paper. This will form a wedge that will be used to seal the final package.
- 7). Fold the dog-eared top of the paper down over the CD, inserting the wedge-shaped portion into the space between the CD and paper. Push the wedge all the way in and you will have a taut package that perfectly encapsulates the CD.