Develop an Attitude of Gratitude
Gratitude is a powerful force which is used in the law of attraction and in the Science of Getting Rich.
The more grateful you are for what you have already received, the easier it is for you to experience new levels of abundance and bring more things into your life.
In this article we consider how you can develop an attitude of gratitude.
Keep a Gratitude Journal One of the easiest ways of developing an attitude of gratitude, particularly if you are disciplined, is to develop a gratitude journal and daily note down the things you have to be grateful for.
I have started this system in my ordinary diary where I also keep my to-do list.
At the start of each day I write my to-do list for the day and then as I tick the last item off that I complete I make a list below that of things I have to be grateful for that day.
Make an Effort to Say Thank You Always We are generally taught as children to say thank you when someone does something for us but we also often find it easy to begin to take things for granted, especially when something happens regularly.
Make an effort not to slip into this attitude of taking things for granted, but to always say thank you no matter how small the thing may be.
Learn to Focus on the Positive within the Negative We all go through difficult times but within those difficult times you can still learn to focus on the positive and be grateful for the positives in the situation.
You may not be grateful for being sick in a hospital bed for a few weeks but be grateful that you have time when you can be quiet, away from the rush of life and focus on what's important again or learn something new.
You may not be grateful for having been laid off from a job but be grateful that new opportunities await you and that you have learnt enough to reach this new stage in your life.
Gratitude is extremely powerful and it is important for us to learn how to be grateful in all circumstances, even when things may not look like they are going well.
By doing so we will find it easier to attract into our lives those things that are important to us.
The more grateful you are for what you have already received, the easier it is for you to experience new levels of abundance and bring more things into your life.
In this article we consider how you can develop an attitude of gratitude.
Keep a Gratitude Journal One of the easiest ways of developing an attitude of gratitude, particularly if you are disciplined, is to develop a gratitude journal and daily note down the things you have to be grateful for.
I have started this system in my ordinary diary where I also keep my to-do list.
At the start of each day I write my to-do list for the day and then as I tick the last item off that I complete I make a list below that of things I have to be grateful for that day.
Make an Effort to Say Thank You Always We are generally taught as children to say thank you when someone does something for us but we also often find it easy to begin to take things for granted, especially when something happens regularly.
Make an effort not to slip into this attitude of taking things for granted, but to always say thank you no matter how small the thing may be.
Learn to Focus on the Positive within the Negative We all go through difficult times but within those difficult times you can still learn to focus on the positive and be grateful for the positives in the situation.
You may not be grateful for being sick in a hospital bed for a few weeks but be grateful that you have time when you can be quiet, away from the rush of life and focus on what's important again or learn something new.
You may not be grateful for having been laid off from a job but be grateful that new opportunities await you and that you have learnt enough to reach this new stage in your life.
Gratitude is extremely powerful and it is important for us to learn how to be grateful in all circumstances, even when things may not look like they are going well.
By doing so we will find it easier to attract into our lives those things that are important to us.