How to Use the Memorex Label Maker Kit
- The Memorex exPressit label design software can be loaded on a computer by inserting the CD disc into CD/DVD drive and following the onscreen instructions to load and launch it. If the software does not open, navigate to the CD/DVD drive and open it, then select "startup.exe" and follow the onscreen instructions.
- Open the file menu and choose "new" to launch the New CD Label Wizard. Choose from 15 templates, such as jewel case, CD, iPod or DVD storage case. Click "next" to begin the "SmartDesigns" process, or click "finish" to go straight to the "Design Screen".
- The SmartDesigns Wizard offers several professional looking templates to choose from. Select the type of label to create from the drop-down menu on the left side of the screen. The choices are Data, Audio, or General Purpose. Next, use the "label variation bar" to choose a layout template to execute a design in. Use the "browse backgrounds" button to select a background or import an image from a database or photo library. Click "next" to return to the New CD Label Wizard.
- The New CD Label Wizard offers the option to import a playlist or go to the "Label Design" screen. Once the playlist is imported, it can be edited in the "Playlist Manager." If you chose "General Purpose" in Step 3, you will not see the option to import a playlist.
- Select "finish" to go to the label "Design Screen." You can either print the label or edit it further using the "Design Bar" on the left side of the screen or the "Variation Bar" on the bottom of the "Design Screen".
- Memorex recommends performing a printer calibration before printing labels. From the "file" menu, select "calibrate printer." From the "Calibrate Printer" menu, choose a printer to calibrate. Select a paper bin to print from. Select left, center or right for "feed type". Print a calibration sheet. The sheet contains instructions for adjusting horizontal and vertical offseet in the "Calibrate Printer" menu.