Health & Medical Parenting

Your Baby"s Intelligence

The analytical intelligence of your baby has been the object of many academic years of research.
Then came the need to consider creative intelligence.
Not all countries of the world understood that the latter is the most important to any phase of human development.
To teach a child so that s/he will exercise creative intelligence takes time, the amount of time that neither schools nor busy parents have.
Practical intelligence and emotional intelligence followed.
Knowing that the intelligence is learned, our responsibility as parents is great, and everything happens via constant circuits and chemical interactions in the brain.
A mental scheme stays memorized.
The new schemes occur at each moment.
The relationship between them lead to complex systems and these, in turn, are also memorized as systems.
The practicing of inner motivation surrounding that which interests the systems broaden and expand at every moment, making the baby more intelligent.
None of this happens without internal as well as external action.
It is practice, experience and action that, through the use of body/movement and...
systems, lead to the creation of that which is new in your baby's internal system.
How will your baby use his/her intelligence? How will it increase? How will s/he show it? It all depends on the kind of experiences that you will provide him with.
The important thing is that all your interactions with the baby be a result of much love and respect for her potential.
If s/he is stimulated in a poetic environment with incentive to write, s/he might be a professional in linguistics.
If you play with numbers, practicing on scientific problems, s/he will be experienced in logic and mathematics.
If you live with music, s/he could also exercise such logic and math, and get to high visual, spatial and kinesthetic levels of performance, thus appreciating architecture, sculpture, art, dance, sports, and musical composition.
Also, if such activities are lived in respect of the other and being respected in return, s/he may become a psychologist, a humanist, an environmentalist, or a botanist.
If s/he is respected for his/her capacity of expression, s/he could become a philosopher or an artist, among other professions that may come to exist by the time s/he reaches maturity.
Let us be good, patient, respectful, curious and attentive with our children and they will have the opportunity to fully develop their intelligence.

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