Three Bills in Congress Supporting Health Freedom
Legislation in Washington, D.
impacts all of us in our desire to use dietary supplements for health maintenance.
This legislative update includes potential good news in that there are three bills currently in the House of Representatives which are trying to support our freedom to choose natural substances for the care of our health.
Let's take a look at the three bills starting with The Health Freedom Act.
This bill removes FDA's power of prior restraint over all nutrient-disease relationship claims.
Under the bill, the FDA may not prohibit any statement concerning a nutrient affecting a disease, including effects, from being made in the market and only act against a statement if it possesses clear and convincing evidence that the statement is false.
Currently the FDA blocks an enormous amount of truthful information regarding the effects of nutrients and foods on disease from reaching consumers.
That barrier is removed by the Health Freedom Act, but the Act preserves the power of the government to prosecute those who make false statements.
The essential purpose of the First Amendment is to disarm the federal government of the the power to impose a prior restraint on speech, so this Health Freedom Act would be a tremendous benefit for Americans wanting truthful information about the many benefits from natural supplements.
Let's move on to the Freedom of Health Speech Act, this bill prevents the Federal Trade Commission from taking action against any advertiser that communicates a health benefit for a product unless the FTC first establishes, based on clear and convincing evidence, that the statement made is false and that its communication causes harm to the public.
Currently, the FTC reverses the Fifth Amendment burden of proof on the government when it changes advertisers with deceptive advertising and then demands that they prove their statement rule.
What this means is you are guilty unless you can convince the FTC that you are innocent.
The Fifth Amendment requires that the FTC bears the burden of proving advertising deceptive.
It may not shift the burden to the advertiser to prove its statements are not deceptive.
The First Amendment requires that the FTC not act against speech unless the speech is probably false.
Currently, the FTC condemns advertisers based on an absence of documentation concerning the truth of the statement, even when there is absolutely no evidence establishing its falsity.
Last but not least is The Congressional Responsibility and Accountability Act.
This bill prohibits regulations promulgated from regulatory agencies from going into effect unless passed into law by Congress, the way the Constitution designates.
Congress has the exclusive power to make laws about 90% of all law created by the federal government is the product of unelected heads of bureaucratic agencies, not our elected representatives.
For the past 75 years, the Congress of the United States has delegated executive, legislative, and judicial governing power to these agencies.
This Act restores constitutional government by returning to Congress the responsibility to make laws, thereby making them once again accountable for the laws to those who elect them.
Be proactive and contact your Congressional Representative and tell them to support health freedom by co-sponsoring these three Acts.
impacts all of us in our desire to use dietary supplements for health maintenance.
This legislative update includes potential good news in that there are three bills currently in the House of Representatives which are trying to support our freedom to choose natural substances for the care of our health.
Let's take a look at the three bills starting with The Health Freedom Act.
This bill removes FDA's power of prior restraint over all nutrient-disease relationship claims.
Under the bill, the FDA may not prohibit any statement concerning a nutrient affecting a disease, including effects, from being made in the market and only act against a statement if it possesses clear and convincing evidence that the statement is false.
Currently the FDA blocks an enormous amount of truthful information regarding the effects of nutrients and foods on disease from reaching consumers.
That barrier is removed by the Health Freedom Act, but the Act preserves the power of the government to prosecute those who make false statements.
The essential purpose of the First Amendment is to disarm the federal government of the the power to impose a prior restraint on speech, so this Health Freedom Act would be a tremendous benefit for Americans wanting truthful information about the many benefits from natural supplements.
Let's move on to the Freedom of Health Speech Act, this bill prevents the Federal Trade Commission from taking action against any advertiser that communicates a health benefit for a product unless the FTC first establishes, based on clear and convincing evidence, that the statement made is false and that its communication causes harm to the public.
Currently, the FTC reverses the Fifth Amendment burden of proof on the government when it changes advertisers with deceptive advertising and then demands that they prove their statement rule.
What this means is you are guilty unless you can convince the FTC that you are innocent.
The Fifth Amendment requires that the FTC bears the burden of proving advertising deceptive.
It may not shift the burden to the advertiser to prove its statements are not deceptive.
The First Amendment requires that the FTC not act against speech unless the speech is probably false.
Currently, the FTC condemns advertisers based on an absence of documentation concerning the truth of the statement, even when there is absolutely no evidence establishing its falsity.
Last but not least is The Congressional Responsibility and Accountability Act.
This bill prohibits regulations promulgated from regulatory agencies from going into effect unless passed into law by Congress, the way the Constitution designates.
Congress has the exclusive power to make laws about 90% of all law created by the federal government is the product of unelected heads of bureaucratic agencies, not our elected representatives.
For the past 75 years, the Congress of the United States has delegated executive, legislative, and judicial governing power to these agencies.
This Act restores constitutional government by returning to Congress the responsibility to make laws, thereby making them once again accountable for the laws to those who elect them.
Be proactive and contact your Congressional Representative and tell them to support health freedom by co-sponsoring these three Acts.