Health & Medical Nutrition

Uniqueness Is Yours To Own

"Eek, this smoothie is trying to eat me!" Jessie-Sarah's shriek split the air.
On inquiring what the problem was, I was informed that I am trying to kill her - death by smoothie? OK.
There may have been one or two too many ingredients in the smoothie.
However, the fact that it made a sucking sound when Jessie-Sarah was attempting to pull her spoon out of the brown mix, there was no reason to overreact so intensely.
To my way of thinking anyway.
Judge for yourself.
The smoothie contained the following ingredients: 1 Avocado pear 1 pear 1 apple 2 small bananas 1 floret of broccoli 1 medium Swiss chard leaf 1cm of peeled fresh ginger root 5 red grapes 5 green grapes 100mls of water The main challenge is that it was brown, thick and mixed.
Jessie-Sarah does not enjoy having mixtures.
Alexander couldn't care as long as it is edible and Elchanan likes to see colour and presentation that is appealing on his plate.
Mmm! Caregivers out there, I am sure you have had similar challenges with your families.
At this point I need to mention that Jessica-Sarah is the only member of our family that actively and with intensity - hates vegetables.
Apart from lettuce, tomato and cucumber that is.
Nature plays strange tricks on us as her body reacts to both meat and chicken and we have to be very careful with fish as well.
Did I mention having a sense of humour in order to survive? Elchanan and I used to muse that it was strange that Alexander seems to react to the all the foodstuffs and environmental irritants that we individually have challenges with.
There is merit to the blood group diet, but remember, we are all individuals, so what may work for myself, may not work for you or a member of your family.
What works for Jessie-Sarah, doesn't always work for Alexander for example.
Imagine our interest when Alex tested as an AB blood type.
I am an A blood type and Elchanan is a B blood type.
Much was explained at this revelation.
Jessie-Sarah is a B blood type like her dad.
Elchanan can eat small quantities of non commercially farmed meat, yet Jessie-Sarah is unable to even have a sliver before her muscles say hello in a rather painful manner ( Jessie-Sarah has a small challenge with Fibromyalgia).
This again just pointed out to me that we are all unique and cannot be given exactly the same programme as another person.
Our eating programme needs to be tailored to us as individuals, and in a family, share what can be shared and have individually what each can tolerate.
Life is interesting combining all the likes and dislikes, the allowed and the tolerated.
Again, glyconutrients and Real Food Technology play a huge role in assisting us to maintain wellness, but this supports good choices and a decision to walk a wellness path whether we enjoy the food or not.
Join us in our walk and have fun with us.

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