Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Solutions For Male Hair Loss

Baldness is one of the main causes of embarrassment among males, especially when the affection begins at a very young age.
In most cases this disease is hereditary, which means there is nothing you can actually do to stop alopecia, except slow down the rate of hair loss.
However, the evolution of the medical technology has enabled doctors and cosmeticians to offer their customers solutions to their receding hair problem.
The professional products available on the market are based on natural ingredients; therefore, you don't need to be afraid of potential side effects.
On the contrary, there are many professional hair care product lines originating from the numerous years of experience of famous hairstylists, so you can safely invest your money in these treatments.
Some cures are based on pills; others are based on essential oils, while others combine the two methods.
Doctors do not recommend the ingestion of pills without a previous checkup which could accurately determine the needs of the patient.
Essential oils and hair masks, on the other hand, may be freely applied as they do not cause any damages.
For better results, you should massage the scalp for several minutes until the oil is absorbed.
Hormone treatments are often recommended to men with low testosterone level.
Testosterone is the male hormone responsible for the growth and development of male features, such as hair, prominent muscles and deep voice.
As a result of imbalanced hormonal activities, men may suffer hair loss and for that matter, they need to periodically follow this treatment.
The most radical solution is the hair implant, a method which is very often used by Hollywood male celebrities.
Although it does not guarantee total hair re-growth, hair transplantation has had good results so far as many clients managed to reactivate their capillaries after several sessions.
There are also many electrical devices on the market that are used to stimulate blood circulation throughout the scalp and, thus, produce more capillaries.
Worrying about the condition of your hair will only add more stress to your life and eventually cause even more damage to your capillaries.
If any of the above mentioned methods won´t work you should follow the example of many famous men and shave all your hair.
Women love this haircut as it makes men look more confident, so you should definitely make this change.

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