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Rock Garden Ideas

    • Photos of natural lands can spur creativity.Rocks and Flowers in the Garden image by LaVal from Fotolia.com

      Many areas of the country are difficult to landscape. Rocks are used in arid regions, such as Arizona, Nevada and Texas to create landscaping works of art. Rock gardens have become popular all over the world and no two are alike. Creativity is the key to a beautiful garden. Placing the rocks so they look natural may require some skills that can be learned by looking at photos of native lands. Rock gardens can be made more attractive by adding several varieties of plants as well as objects that provide a theme.


    • A wagon wheel can add charm to a garden.wagon wheel image by Scott Slattery from Fotolia.com

      A southwestern rock garden would include native cacti planted in between rocks. Cacti are available in many varieties and sizes, some of which bloom colorful flowers. Many people think prickly when they think cactus but there are several spineless varieties as well. In addition to rocks and cacti, you could add some tufts of native grasses, a windmill, a horned skull and a couple of half wagon wheels. Most people find tumble weeds unattractive, but one or two might look right at home against a rustic timber fence post.


    • A water fall and stream can help to lead water away.Rock Garden Fountain 20080510-1180458 image by SIGNSofMIND from Fotolia.com

      If you have an area that has poor drainage and difficult to landscape, a rock garden with a waterfall may be the perfect plan. Dwarf trees would not overwhelm the area and would grow well in poorly drained soil. When looking for plants for this rock garden be sure to choose varieties that like lots of water, such as bog and tropical plants. The waterfall could be designed with cliffs to support plants and could end in a pond or stream that would lead excess water to other areas of the landscaping. Top this rock garden off with a bench to sit on as you admire your garden.

    Colored Rocks


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