Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

Easiest Way to Install a Larger Hard Drive in the XBox

    Installing the 120GB drive

    • 1). Turn off your console and stand it on its end. The hard drive should be on top of the console.

    • 2). Press the tab located at the front of the hard drive and lift the peripheral up and away from the console.

    • 3). Position the new hard drive over the bay with the narrow end pointed at the front of the Xbox 360 console and the broad end pointed at the back.

    • 4). Push the back of the hard drive against the back of the hard drive bay, making sure the ridge along the back of the drive rests beneath the lip of the bay. Push the front end of the hard drive down. The hard drive connectors should snap together and the tab at the front of the hard drive should click, if done correctly.

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