Health & Medical Men's Health

A Premature Ejaculation Cure That Will Work Right Away

If you are looking for a premature ejaculation cure that will work almost immediately then you came to the right place.
Ejaculating too quickly is something that many guys face.
Finding a premature ejaculation cure is a desire many men have.
But finding a premature ejaculation cure, especially one that you can use tonight, is not so easy.
Usually the only cures available that will work right away are those nasty ointments or creams which only numb up your penis and make it hard to maintain a good, hard erection since you can't feel anything.
There is something you can do, and it is as "all natural" as it gets.
It may sound "weird" at first, but please read how and why this works so well.
Ejaculating before having sex.
This is basically masturbating before you have actual sex.
Now hold on, let me explain how this works.
About 30-60 minutes before sex (it varies by individual) you basically masturbate.
Then, when you have actual sex, you will last A LOT LONGER than usual.
Several minutes longer.
Why is this? Basically, the first time you have sex is always the worst.
You are totally excited, anxious emotions are running through you, and physically you want to let it go QUICKLY.
Well, imagine getting that first BAD experience out of the way from the beginning.
That's what masturbation before hand allows you to do.
You get that first ejaculation out of the way, and then your actual sex performance is totally enhanced and fresh for the second time around.
Definitely give this a try.
You'll last much, much longer.

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