What Small Gift Shall I Take Back to the Mainland From Hawaii for Friends?
- Get a variety of nuts and candies, such as chocolate macadamia nuts, coconut candy, caramel-coated candies and dried papaya, and put them in individual goodie bags that you buy in Hawaii. Another idea is to give fresh fruit like pineapple, papaya or coconuts. Choose from a variety of tropical jams and jellies as well. Another idea is macadamia butter. Get a coffee mug and put some Kona coffee in it for friends who are coffee drinkers.
- For friends whom you know well, small gifts to consider include perfumes, oils, body lotions and soaps in scents like coconut and mango. Other ideas include lip balms, handkerchiefs and a Hawaiian beach wrap. Hair accessories and fresh flower leis are other good choices. Other things to consider are nail files, lipstick cases or makeup mirrors made from shells or in the shape of a coconut or pineapple.
- Gold and silver jewelry are always nice, but can be pricey. Other jewelry items include blue pearls from local divers. Get earrings shaped like flowers or with a string of shells. Necklaces and wrist and ankle bracelets made of coral or puka shells may be a good choice for friends who like jewelry. Another idea is haku leis made from kukui nuts and shaved ribbon.
- Trinkets are often a good small gift to take back to the mainland. Choices include ceramic trivets, spoon holders, sugar bowls, coasters and hot plates. Other ideas are aloha self-stick notes in the shape of a Hawaiian shirt, hibiscus, pineapple or coconut tree. Small gifts include magnets, calendars, picture frames, switch plate covers and Hawaiian music CDs. In addition, there's always the little dashboard hula dancer gift to consider.