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How to Draw Candy Wrappers

    • 1). Prepare your subject by selecting and printing an image of a candy wrapper to use as a muse. Try purchasing a real piece yourself and drawing from its example. Remove the real candy from inside by gently opening along the seams. Softly remove candy using tweezers or your fingers. Use an exacto knife when separating candy with sealed edges. Reform the candy wrapper gently with your fingers by reversing the same motions you used to unwrap. Use a clear glue to reseal thin edges or to hold the wrapper in the shape desired. Place the candy wrapper, or your image, on a flat surface in front of your drawing paper.

    • 2). Begin drawing a basic outline of the wrapper. Carefully sketch the border of the wrapper shape, ignoring details and shading. Consider scale, and try drawing the wrapper in real size if you are a beginner so as to allow for measuring and comparisons.

    • 3). Add the outline of any graphics, text or patterns on the wrapper. Use basic and simple lines to show the location of folds, twists or bulging in the wrapper.

    • 4). Shade and shadow the wrapper, slowly working over the simple markers you made previously. Begin softly and darken as needed. Don't forget to include shadows of the candy wrapper on the surface it is sitting on, if you plan to include a backdrop. Use your eraser to remove parts of the outline that are too heavy and gently shade or smudge to add a softer line. Use your finger to create more realistic shadows by smudging the pencil lines.

    • 5). Fill in any text or graphics. Darken any borders of text or patterns. Add color to the image.

    • 6). Continually revisit your image, comparing your image or physical wrapper to your own sketch. Don't be afraid to erase and modify your drawing, proportions, or to start over. Using your pencil to measure length and width or the size of patterns and graphics can help you get a better idea of the image scale.

    • 7). Practice different wrappers in different forms. Try crumpling one up, turning the wrapped candy on its side, or changing the lighting. Repeatedly drawing the candy in different positions will help you understand how light, position and shape affects your own drawing.

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