Home & Garden Architecture

How to Fix Flooring on an Uneven Subfloor

    • 1). Get the floor completely clean using household cleanser and a mop. Rinse well. Let it dry 24 to 48 hours.

    • 2). Lay your 2-by-4 on the floor standing on its narrow edge. Move it slowly over the floor, looking for space below the board to show where the low spots are. Mark them with your pencil.

    • 3). Open your liquid leveler. Stir as directed.

    • 4). Pour the liquid leveler over the low spots as identified by your pencil marks, as well as the spaces or cracks in the subfloor. The leveler should spread out level by itself, but if it mounds up anywhere, scrape the edge of the board over it to flatten it. Cover the whole floor.

    • 5). Allow the level to set for 24 hours. Use a stiff broom to vigorously sweep the surface of the dried leveler to remove any residual material. The floor is ready for new flooring.

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