Sweet, Cheap & Loving Ideas to Surprise My Husband
- A gift for your husband doesn't have to be expensive.Andrew Bret Wallis/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
One of the ways to keep a spark in your relationship is to never take each other for granted and to do things that show your spouse how much you appreciate and love him. However, you may have limited funds to surprise your husband with a gift. Fortunately, there are ideas that can you use to create a sweet, loving surprise for your husband that are sure to delight him. - Create a customized design for your husband that tells him that he best husband around. Or, create a design that will make him laugh. You can download a graphics program like GIMP for free online or, if you don't own a computer, head over to a public library to create your design in a basic, user-friendly program like Microsoft Paint. You can create text like "The World's Best Husband" by itself or add a photograph or public domain clip art to go with text. You can then upload your text or design to a site like CafePress or Zazzle and place the design on a T-shirt or other product, such as a baseball cap.
- A handmade gift can mean a lot to your husband, showing him that you took the time to make him a gift. Make your husband a gift using skills you already posses or are willing to learn. Choose items like clothing or something he would appreciate like artwork from you that he could display at work or at home. For example, if you have skills in crocheting, knitting or sewing, you could make your husband a scarf, sweater vest or a nice pair of gloves that you can then personalize with his initials. If you are an artist, a painting or sculpture would be a nice gift idea.
- A romantic night at home tailored to include his favorite things can be the perfect surprise for your hubby. It is important to remember to think about his idea of a romantic or enjoyable evening, not necessarily yours. For example, he may prefer having his favorite meal for dinner with the two of your cuddling up in front of the TV to watch one of his favorite movies. In fact, if you don't have a membership to a movie rental service like Netflix, you may want to consider this type of gift to your husband so that you can repeat this type of evening whenever the stresses of life get to be a bit to much. Or, alternatively, a night out at a local baseball game with a couple of stadium hot dogs for dinner might be the perfect way to show him how much you love him.