Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Tinnitus Treatments: Tinnitus Retraining Therapy Versus Sound Therapy

Tinnitus and it's effects are different for everybody. It may occur in one ear or in both and sufferers report many different sounds in their ears including humming, ringing, or a high pitched noise similar to the sound of crickets. It can also be experienced at various levels and pitch, and can be worse at different times of the day or night. Often sleeping is a problem, once the daily activities, which normally help to distract the sufferer from the internal noise cease. Other symptoms which can accompany tinnitus are dizziness or vertigo, loss of balance and nausea. These symptoms may in turn be due to a condition called Meniere's syndrome, which is caused by an higher than normal level of fluid pressure in the inner ear. Lately, a couple of alternative treatments have been making the rounds of the medical profession and have proven to be successful to a certain extent. These alternative training therapies along with several over-the-counter yet all-natural remedies have proven to be beneficial to a lot of tinnitus sufferers.

Method 1: Tinnitus Retraining Therapy - TRT

In the recent past, before tinnitus was a widely acknowledged and recognized condition, sufferers were told lead to believe it was nothing more than a figment of their imagination. Though it is now acknowledged that tinnitus is a very real condition, specialists are leaning towards the fact that the cause is more psychosomatic rather than physical in nature. The current treatment favored by audiologists is Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT), a lengthy re-education program which teaches the subject to change their reaction to the tinnitus and thereby reduce its impact on their consciousness or awareness. Many people find this therapy extremely helpful in allowing them to adjust to or reduce their tinnitus by allowing them to €tune it out€ to a certain extent.

Method 2: Sound Therapy for Tinnitus

A very different alternative was originally pioneered by Dr Alfred Tomatis, a French audio specialist, credited with inventing a therapeutic listening program using specially filtered classical music to some of the same effects as TRT. Sound Therapy provides much needed exercise for the tiny muscles in the middle portion of the ear. This helps to improve the overall health and functioning of the ear itself and has been found to relieve or even eliminate tinnitus in some instances. It also helps with mild hearing loss, dizziness and sensations of blocking or fullness in the ear depending on the individual.

One of the leading author and lecturer on Sound Therapy is Rafaele Joudry. She is the Director of Sound Therapy International and believes that most tinnitus cases are caused by damage to the tiny hair cells called €cilia€ in the inner ear. She claims that when they are damaged they lie flat as opposed to being erect as per normal, and in touching each other they €short circuit€ and create a phantom noise or series of noises. The Sound Therapy program trains the ear to open and respond to gentle high frequencies so that these therapeutic sounds can reach the inner ear. These sounds stimulate the damaged hair cells to stand on end which improves hearing and usually provides relief for tinnitus. Sound Therapy is a self-administered program meaning it can be used by anyone in the privacy of their own home.

€We have been treating tinnitus for twelve years now in Australia with results ranging from partial to complete relief for sufferers. Our treatment is a safe method which is affordable and enjoyable. Our clients have achieved results where they were told that no hope existed.€

These are just two of the latest therapies that have gained much more recent exposure and devotees as they become more widespread. Alternative and all-natural (or homeopathic) remedies have become all the rage recently as sufferers now are looking beyond the medical establishment for relief from a serious condition that can truly impact one's quality of life. Retraining therapies in conjunction with herbal remedies and supplements may become the norm.

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