Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Blessed Are the Meek

I believe that we measure the quality of society on how well it treats the least amongst us, the least healthy, and the least educated.
You hear these awful opinion radio and TV shows tell you that the poor are the cancer of the world and they should not be able to have any handouts or help from government.
They even believe there should be a literacy test to be able to vote legally.
They despise the indigent.
They spit on the sick.
Machine has forces that do whatever they can to trick voters or scare them from even showing up at the polls.
There is no reason we cannot provide extremely low cost healthcare, energy, food, and services for everyone and make all the money any of us want to aspire to attain in a free market capitalist atmosphere, you need a free market to operate in a free market, we do not have a free market, we have MACHINE MARKET.
We pay enough taxes over and over to pay for our nation to operate humanely for the benefit of those it is designed to protect.
You remember, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Instead we operate at the behest of the wealthy, powerful, and greedy.
We must comply.
Not anymore.
We now have an answer.
The idea that Machine allows companies to make huge profits off of energy sources is destructive to our economy.
We have the technology to almost remove people from the grid and have them generate energy independently of the power companies.
Being connected to the power grid would be only for the reasons to be able to sell energy back or as an emergency situation.
Putting this type of energy system in the hands of the public at a low cost, make sure it's built here in the USA, and you will see a huge influx of money available to households.
Imagine not having a bill every month and maybe even sell some energy back.
The government has the responsibility to make that happen with the technology we have.
They find it okay to grant money and subsidies to power companies to provide energy the old fashioned way.
So it would make sense to make the same investment, but rather than grant that money to power companies, grant the money to the American Joe and give them cheap clean energy that is renewable.
The taxes we pay should be able to suffice to be able to provide healthcare for those who cannot afford it or gain access to it.
We are a supposed to be the most civilized and illuminated country in the world, but allow citizens to die because they are poor.
We make that work.
Why should some huge Fasces company run our healthcare for profit? Seriously it doesn't make sense.
Providing basic services is quite possible and providing quality affordable insurance to everyone is not far fetched nor does it need to be so expensive.
I have been pondering endless hours trying to figure the way to beat Lobby in Washington, as the common Joe, deficient of competitive funding sources.
We know small groups of angry voters showing up at rallies and town halls just will not cut it.
It takes a movement with a shovel to dig through government and Lobby bullsmut folks.
I figured out how we can take over the lobbying efforts in Washington: I asked myself, "Why can't I have government in my pocket? I can communicate with everyone with my Blackberry, why not my government?" Yeah, we can write emails, letters, call, show up to town halls, to communicate our grievances or commendations (maybe one day).
But the control over that information is not available to anyone except those who receive it.
With all of our votes combined and tallied in public view for all to see, the message is then valid as a leading indicator of voter intent.
When we are connected by our votes, we cannot be fooled, we can simply employ the power greater than any, our vote, and not cast it again for any official who does not produce action benefiting our interests, it is our turn to drive, not sit shotgun.
So, how do we do it? The American Voting Device or AVDEV for short is what I call it.
I figured that if each legally registered voter had their own small cellular device and had the entire legislative agenda both federally and locally with each proposed legislation summarized and explained, we would be able to operate huge leverage against Machine.
We would have a network dedicated to the system and the vote counts would be public and each device would have biometrical security unique to the owner (fingerprint, retina scan, etc..
The votes would be counted by groups of members from different demographics: citizens, universities and colleges, and the Extra-Extra.
The device would email, text, and even print out (if you wish) the results of your vote.
You would be able to vote on all policies before they come up for a vote in congress or state levels.
Your elected officials would be able to see exactly how their constituents feel.
Then they would have to decide how to tell the people they will not be voting they way their Joe's want them to.
That is the idea of a representative constitutional republic.
Joe's elect someone to go to Washington and vote how we want he/she to vote, not the way they want to.
I see the AVDEV as a device to basically say, "put up or shut up, let's see your cards!" The meekest among the nation have never had much of say or influence and I guarantee that if you hear exactly how they feel, you will get a much different poll, uncontrolled by Machine, but a realistic view of American sensibility.
I think we owe it to ourselves to explore what the possibilities are of such reform and transparency.
The game is rigged in Washington and we know it, we are tired of it and we can actually do something to thwart it.
I figured we need a concentrated real-time indicator to make government listen to reason.
When we own things, we tend to take care of them and we don't mind spending smart money to invest in a 100% winner.
We will be the winners this time around.
Lobby efforts will be drowned out by the wisdom of the people answering in unison.
I figured out that if we can vote before the vote, to be heard by the ears of our elected, when the tally is public and real, they are forced into accountability to the will of the people.
AVDEV brings government into the future with complete respect for our republican democracy and the constitution that binds citizen and government.
The two parties have lost their way, they are caught up in their egos and the need to spend your money at will on their agendas and paybacks for monetary support to be elected into power.
Where is the fruit of all their promised labor of reform, change; a better tomorrow? I am not eating it, and unless you are fabulously wealthy, then you aren't either.
Give up on them, for they have definitely left you out of the equation long ago.
Our influence will be in the public eye, a valid indicator of the will of the people, directing officials take notice and vote the will of the people, the lobby of liberty.
We can have this peaceful revolution to rid Washington of Lobby strangleholds.
Always follow the money and find the influence.
We can finally have transparency, because we will be setting the tone, the way it was designed, to operate to protect the liberty of all Americans.
The AVDEV will take the guesswork out of what the people want, eliminating biased polling and assumptions of party lines.
Let us take this cause to Washington, and let us revolt in peaceful measures with a collective voice of liberty and freedom from taxation.
We can have this.
AVDEV will enable the American citizen to take control of the system designed to protect us.
Control the wealth of a free people and you control the government that enables their liberty to be a free people.
Machine has been leading us by our neck to the chopping block for a long time.
All of us have.
The American citizen is taxed beyond belief to aid in this control, we fund their agenda of spending on things none us even care about or need.
They tell us we need them, but we have no authority in their decisions, they use fear and panic to enable the control mechanisms that operate their agendas.
The government has operated in its own world, outside of our control or witness.
They lead us where they see fit.
AVDEV would be manufactured in the United States.
All workers need to be Americans; no outsourcing.
Placing manufacturing sites and data centers in strategically chosen locations to benefit the local economies of the hardest hit in the US will help alleviate unemployment and provide jobs in the private sector.
All states will have manufacturing plants and data centers to provide for their states, thereby employing and training their local workforce.
They will be citizen operated as well, outside the confines of government intervention.
They cannot tell us we cannot have it, folks.
If they try, and they will, to say, no, they will be exposed for what they really are and we will continue to vote for those who are in support of our will.
Lets see how many elected officials will come out against us, they will say our system is just fine, you don't need that, we hear you just fine! Hogwash! Do not listen.
They do not have your interests at heart.
We can literally have government in the palm of our hands.
The politicians are always claiming the private sector has the best ideas and are responsible for innovations, well, here we are! Just what you wanted: private sector control of government.
We can bring this full circle folks, all the way, the people in charge as was intended, even the poorest among us, can become a giant of American enterprise: liberty for all.
This can be you, it can be me, it can be all of us, but only if we shed the robes of partisan divisions and unite in a common cause, the message of liberty and peaceful revolution, and the technical innovation of the voice of the people.
Make a stand and revolt in peace.
AVDEV will allow you to choose to be the creator of your liberty with free choices in a stable economy, fair in free market principles, peaceful in prosperity.
This is what we agreed to in our constitution, the general welfare of the nation, domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, and secure the Blessings of liberty.
These are the introductory ideals the constitution strives to bond citizen and government to co-exist as one unit, a free people, self-governed in a republic, equal in person, with no title of bloodline or right.
In other words: Americans.
Just think, we have never realized the America I am speaking of, hundred years of taxation and not all Americans have been free before the taxes, so now we can realize the liberty intended for all of us.
Wireless technology is cheap folks, some basic cell phones start at $10.
They will devise every attack against us in our cause of liberty and freedom to protect their wealth and power.
We will become the crazies, the kooky, and the insane because we want liberty and the promises of the constitution.
Yes, we are nuts, if being nuts is the yearning for freedom and prosperity, then, yes we are! Imagine the accountability elected officials would have if we all could cast a vote and everyone knows what it is, just look up the website, turn on the TV, look at your AVDEV, we all know what the vote is, no wiggle room there.
No Extra-Extra spin, no controlling of the message.
It's out in the open, shining in the sun.
We would have a presence in government always be in the fore of their minds to vote the will of the majority that sent them there.
If they always continue to vote against us, we fire them.
Especially now that the Supreme Court passed a law that allows corporations unlimited fund contributions, we need our collective voice as soon as possible.
If an elected official is truly passionate about the welfare and prosperity of his or her fellow citizens, why would they not choose to witness the voice of their constituents, to hear how they feel in real time, unbiased and valid? To choose not to have the AVDEV set up for them would be a self-destructive effort.
One would have to explain why not have the voice of the Joe's amplified for all to see? It would force their intentions of public service out of the shadows and into the exposure of public forum.
In this idea of choice we will find our message of peace, prosperity, and liberty is always the ultimate fix, an assertive action demanding results, accountable to the average Joe, where the power belongs nested.
It would provide competition for the best ideas to prevail in Party elections, the competition of ideas amongst candidates with a desire to contribute to the voice of liberty, with the prize of recognition amongst the Joe's, to be part of history in the shaping of a nation, without need for lucrative temptation, but rather the temptation of personal satisfaction in fitting Party to the lives of people, instead of Party shaping the choices of its governed.
Any efforts for liberty and prosperity to be successful start with freeing the people of excessive taxation and the increase of citizen involvement in accessible valid channels to see the fruition of the majority opinion, nothing else will do.

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