Family & Relationships Conflict

Dealing With a Broken Heart - Not at the Top of Any Wish List

No one wants to spend their hours dealing with broken heart repercussions.
Most of us never have a plan B for dealing with them because we like to convince ourselves that it could never happen to us.
While that would be nice, almost everyone deals with their own broken heart at one point in their lives.
If nothing else convinces you, a divorce rate of 50% of all marriages should be enough to convince you that heart aches are all too common and dealing with broken heart conditions is one of those really rough lessons in life we must all learn at some point or another.
But, what if you could prevent your broken heart of find a way to get back together so that your heart can feel whole once again? The best thing to hold on to when dealing with broken heart is hope.
So, how do you create hope when you feel as though the world is crashing down on your shoulders? It's not as difficult as you might think.
Create a Goal Make it a formidable but highly desirable goal.
Many people in this situation find that dealing with broken heart pain is much easier when you create a goal of mending the relationship but there are other goals that are help you hang on to hope and look forward to the future.
Think of goals that you have always had and let one become a priority.
Generate a Plan to Achieve that Goal Once you've established your goal you need to work on a plan.
Write it down step by step and create a backup plan in the event something should go wrong.
Examine the plan from all angles to check for weaknesses or gaps.
Creating a plan is only one more part of the healing process.
However, if you skip this part, chances are that you will not get the results you are hoping for.
Remember that failing to plan is planning to fail and put your best efforts into creating a plan that will be effective.
Put Plan into Action No plan is effective without action.
Whether you want to get your ex back, go back to school, or take a cruise to the Bahamas you will need to actually work the plan in order to enjoy the full benefits to help with healing broken heart and the aftermath of a divorce or break up.

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