Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

Fun Games for Reunions

    Sack Races

    • Break the ice with some sack races. Mark a starting line and finish line about 30 feet apart. Give players a sack or old pillowcase and tell them to place both feet in it. Players will race to the finish line. Group each race by age to make each competition fair. A variation includes dividing the players into teams for a sack relay race. Other race options include a three-legged race and wheelbarrow race, in which one player on each team must hold his partner's ankles while the partner walks on his hands.

    Picture Game

    • Gather pictures of family or classmates from when they were younger before the reunion. Tape each picture to a sheet of paper and label each picture with a number. Each guest must take a sheet of paper and a pen. She has to write down the number of the picture on the sheet of paper, along with who she thinks is in the picture. The player who guesses the most correctly wins the game.


    • Play a classic game of tug-o-war by dividing players into two teams. Tie a large piece of cloth in the middle of a giant rope. Have each team hold on to one end of the rope. The team who pulls the rope 3 feet in their direction from the starting point wins the game. For a wet game of tug-o-war, place a small plastic swimming pool with water in between the two teams. The first team in the pool of water loses the game.


    • For a family reunion, create a trivia about the family. Ask questions like "Name all the brothers and sisters of the _______ family," "How many children do ______ and ______ have" and "Name two of your aunts and uncles." For a high school reunion, ask questions like "Who was voted Miss Popular," "What was the theme song from prom" and "Who was the Prom King and Queen." Award prizes to the players who answer the most questions correctly.

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