Quality Leisure After School Projects
- Kids can make many different objects from this clay, let them dry, and then decorate them. This is an inexpensive alternative to store-bought clays. Use 1 cup of salt, 1/3 cup of water, 1/2 cup of cornstarch and 1/4 cup of cold water. Heat the first two ingredients in a saucepan on the stove until the salt is dissolved. Remove from heat and add the last two ingredients. Mix well and let cool. When cool, knead the clay on a surface that is lightly dusted with cornstarch. Let kids make different objects and let them air dry. When dry, they can be painted and sealed with a spray varnish. Leftover clay should be kept in an airtight container with a damp sponge and refrigerated.
- Bring the outside in with this stained glass project. Cut flower or leaf shapes from different-colored tissue paper. Cut two pieces of clear contact paper. Peel the backing from one sheet and let the child decorate it with the tissue paper cutouts. Peel the backing from the other sheet and place on top of the decorated piece. Use a hole punch and some string or ribbon to make a hanger for the art. Hang in a window so the sun can shine through it.
- Gather pine cones during a walk, or purchase some from a craft store. Tie a long string to the pine cone at the narrow end. Let the kids spread peanut butter all over the pine cone. Then roll the pine cones in birdseed. Hang in trees or near windows outside. Try to identify as many birds as possible. To help identify birds, let kids take pictures of them if the kids are old enough.
- Use two coffee cans of the same size. Use an icepick to poke two holes near the bottoms of the cans, one opposite the other. Remove the lids and tie long lengths of twine through the holes. Replace the lids. Let the kids have fun making up games using the stilts. This could include timed stilt races or pretending to be a giant. Kids can also have fun decorating the cans. They can glue on fake gems, buttons or pictures. Cans can also be painted.