30 of the Funniest Botched Panorama Photos Ever
21. Your Hair Is... Over There.
Even he seems freaked out by the fact that his ear is on his face.
22. Was He Sucked Into A Portal?
This is some straight up science fiction sh*t.
23. The Thinker
This gives him that perpetual thinking look that he's been craving.
24. At The Horse Shoooooow
Is that part horse, part giraffe?
25. All Hail The Big Giant Head
This is what happens when you try to photobomb your friend's panoramic shot.
See also: 10 Awesome Photobombs Gone Hilariously Wrong.
26. Here One Minute, Gone The Next.
Poor kid.
27. Double Doofus
It's like Sloth from The Goonies, times two.
28. Ha' Cat Taking A Stroll
This image is what happens when Google Street Cams go awry.
29. Ha' Dog
It's a dog head with a handle. That's... handy?
30. Climb Every Mountain
You've got to hand it to him. No seriously, you'll have to hand it to him
Because he has no hands, get it? Get it? Sigh. I'll show myself out.