Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Never Suffer Headaches Again!

Headaches are a major problem for many people and occur due to many different reasons.
The pharmaceutical industry earns billions of dollars per year selling headache tablets to headache sufferers.
However these only temporarily mask the pain and do not fix the underlying problem.
The key to preventing and treating headaches from happening is understanding why they happen in the first place.
A common misconception is stress being the biggest cause.
However, more and more research is pointing towards muscle tightness known as trigger points.
These are areas of tenderness in a muscle.
There are two basic types active and latent.
Active points cause muscular pain and will refer pain and tenderness to another area of the body when pressure is applied.
Latent points only exhibit pain where compressed, they do not refer pain to other areas of the body.
They differ from acupressure points as they are not caused by energy blockages.
The main causes include poor posture, trauma, nutritional imbalances, and repetitive use causing fatigue.
Have I got A Migraine or a Headache? Many people use these words interchangeably.
This is not correct.
A migraine is usually more severe and accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and the inability to tolerate bright lights or sounds.
As describe above, active points when pressed cause pain and tenderness to travel into other areas of the body.
Active points located in the trapezius muscle in the upper back are among the most common areas responsible for referring pain to the head causing headaches.
There are others, but these are the most common.
So often we treat our patients in the clinic we instantly get rid of headaches by treating the trigger point.
What's more, when it is deactivated, it does not continue causing pain.
What is the best way to get rid of recurrent headaches? Deep soft tissue massage techniques are the most effective way of reducing the presence of trigger points within muscles.
Often they bring immediate relief and a complete resolution of symptoms.
The next step is stopping them from re-occurring.
This may involve posture correction exercises, postural strengthening and stretches.
If the spinal joints are stiff then mobilization techniques are performed to improve mobility.
Other factors that can also help reduce headaches include proper hydration and correct seating position.
If you do suffer ongoing headaches, do try deep tissue massage and trigger point release from a qualified physiotherapist or practitioner before reaching for more tablets.
Usually it only takes one session.

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