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What 85 Percent Of Everyone Really Wants

What 85 Percent Of Everyone Really Wants

Do a little experiment for me. Ask 20 people this question...

"If you could Have, Be or Do anything In your life right now... what would that be?"

Chances are their response will have to do with one of these two topics... women-thinking2

1. More Time

2. More Money

In fact it will be 85% or higher if you calculate it.

Usually you will here responses like...

"I would like to travel to Europe or some exotic place someday." - This requires both money and time.

"I would like to spend more time with my family and friends." - This requires Time and usually more money

"I would like to work with my church or charitable organization to do... " - Again time and money

"I would like to quit or change jobs... " - Usually needing more money

These two things are not the only things in life that people want, but it ranks up there pretty darn high.

So if so many people want this, why don't more people do something about it? Well actually they do. They may not have a big red button on their forehead saying this... but more people do (or want to) take action.

The truth is almost everyone at some point desires these things and at different points in their life they do or at least they try. Maybe they start loOKing for a better job, or start a home business or try to adjust their schedules in life to make these things work better.

Here is one problem though...

Usually to get more money, one has to work more... therefore the act of increasing an income actually takes away from the whole "More Time" part of the question.

It can be a vicious cycle.

There is really only one answer to this problem...

Work smarter... not harder!

Ok OK... so yes you have to work hard but choose something that will bring in a longer term income... something that you works for you while you are not working.

Here are a few things that let you do that...

1. Real Estate Investing

2. Stock Investing

3. Internet / Network Marketing

There are more but these are three of the most popular. #1 and #2 usually take a lot of money, knowledge and a bit of luck...

#3... Internet / Network Marketing is a different story. It's something that is a lot easier to start. In fact thousands of people everyday decide to start a home business... many right on the Internet from the comfort of their home. The Internet has changed our world and has really unlocked a real gem when it comes to getting more TIME and MONEY.

So now that we know 85% of everyone want's more TIME and more MONEY there is no question that almost everyone walking around you is loOKing for something better and are very eager to check out something that works.

If you are loOKing for something that "Works" join me at

... and follow the simple steps. It's working for me and thousands of others out there online.

Ieva Miezane

Work With Me

PS: âEUR¦all you have to do is decide; stop running in place and start running in the direction of your aspirations. You only live once. Don't hold back... Let me take you by hand and show The Way To Get Out of Rat Race

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