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How to Flirt With Women

The most important thing about flirting with women is being able to read the signs that a woman is interested in you.
Smiling and eye contact will tell you pretty much all you need to know.
If a woman keeps eye contact with you and smiles at you then chances are she is interested.
Then there are other things to look for such as if she touches her hair or, even better, touches you.
You need to be aware of all of the subtle signals that she may be sending you either consciously or subconsciously.
When it comes to flirting with women you need to remember that most women find confident men attractive.
That means you should not be afraid of eye contact and if she looks at you should not look away as this just conveys to her that you lack confidence.
Also, always be aware that when it comes to flirting with women most flirtation goes on through body language.
Up to 55% of attraction involves how you both move your bodies.
So, if she is leaning in when you are talking that's a really good sign.
Another thing to be aware of is mirroring.
If a woman starts using the same gestures or phrases or starts speaking with the same tones or speech patterns then this shows there is either an affinity between you or that she's trying to create one.
The bottom line, guys, is be as aware as you can so that when you see the woman showing you that she is interested you can take action to escalate things towards more intimacy.

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