Health & Medical Self-Improvement

10 Ways To End Your Eft Tapping Set-Up Phrase

Want to jumpstart your EFT set-up phrase?

The standard ending is.

I deeply and completely accept myself.
I deeply and profoundly accept myself.

There is a slight 3rd variation which is: I love and accept myself even though I have this_______________." I tend not to use it.  As it starts off the set-up phrase.

My standard EFT Setup phrase is

Even though I have this _____________ . I deeply and completely, love, forgive and accept myself.

Why Would You Want Other Endings?

Often somebody using eft, can't say out loud or to themselves I deeply and completely accept myself. This in its self needs some eft tapping. Yet, that's for another post.

My favourite 10 set-up endings, which I most regularly use are:

1. I choose to forgive myself for holding onto this and I choose to forgive those others that may have contributed to this in any way, shape or form.

2. I choose to be more open about this in the very near future.
3. I accept all of me anyway.
4. I am still a good person.
5. I deeply and completely accept myself somehow.
6. Even though I dont accept myself there are parts of me that I accept.
7. I am open to believing that making healthy changes can be surprisingly easy.
8. I'm open to letting go of this now.
9. I choose to be open to the possibility of being free of this X.
I totally love, accept and forgive myself.

From here you have so many ways and options to end your EFT setup phrase.

How are you going to end your set-up phrase?

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