Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Designing a Swimming Pool Landscape by Yourself

A swimming pool landscape is quite different from an ordinary landscape.
Unlike an ordinary landscape, a swimming pool landscape has some limitations in the planting area.
Aside from the fact that you cannot plant directly on the ground when you're planting in and around your pool, you also need to put up with some width and height limitations that wouldn't otherwise have existed.
Here are some tips that you can follow if you are planning to design your swimming pool landscape.
Do your Research Your end result will work out better if you do some research before you proceed with landscaping.
Aside from looking for swimming pool landscaping ideas online and in magazines, you should also look into which kinds of plants you want to include and what kind of soil you'll need as a result.
If you know someone who has a swimming pool landscape then make sure to chat with them as they can probably give you some more great tips.
Know your Flower Beds You should also have a clear picture of how you ant your flower beds to look before you begin.
First, you should know the measurements you want for them - their exact length, width and depth.
If they have some curved areas, you should also take note of that and make an estimate measurement.
Additionally, measure your desired distance between the fence or screen and the flower bed.
Do this for all the flower beds in the swimming pool area.
Plan the Landscape Now that you know the exact measurements of your flower beds, it is time to plan your landscape.
By now, you should have some ideas on which plants can grow near your pool.
You should now plan which plant species will go in your flower beds and how you'll arrange them.
If you can, make a rough drawing of how the plants will look.
Know your Plants It may help to research the background of each plant that will go into your landscape before you begin.
Aside from knowing how to maintain them, you should also know how big they can grow.
Many do-it-yourself landscapers are surprised to learn that plants which look good in pictures grow too big or don't work with the shape of the pool when they're full sized.
Don't let this happen to you.
In the same way, you should also take note of other things that may harm you or your landscape.
Does it constantly shed leaves? This can clutter your pool.
Does it have thorns or spikes? This is not good if you are going to have children around the pool.
Does it multiply on its own? This can be a problem if you have limited planting space.
Always research your plants before you use them in your landscape.
Decide on a Landscape Dressing Once you have decided on your plants and have planted them based on their size and growth habits, it is time to finish the landscape with some dressing.
Decide if you will use lava rocks, plain dirt or lava rocks to cover the soil.
Some creative landscapers may even want to use shells.
If you've done all this then congratulations, you're done! You have just successfully designed your own swimming pool landscape.

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