Problems With Swimming Pools
- Maintain your swimming pool and keep it running properly to avoid problems.Swimming pool image by Jim Mills from
Pool owners have common complaints about their pools and pool water problems. Certain pool problems can be easily identified and fixed. When you experience a pool problem, it is important to address the problem quickly before it leads a more expensive problem. - Maintaining proper pH levels can keep many pool problems at bay.pool toy image by Waikikisurfer from
If people swimming in your pool experience burning eyes and noses, the problem might be that the pH level is too high or low, the total alkalinity level is too low, or the calcium hardness level is too high. You can test your swimming pool water with a pool water tester to check the levels. If your levels are high or low, adjust your pool chemicals to correct the levels. - Keep your pool water crystal clear by keeping your chemicals at the correct levels.pool image by MB from
Cloudy pool water can be an indication that your pool water chemicals are incorrect. Cloudy pool water may be caused by a high pH or alkalinity, a high cyanuric acid level or too many total dissolved solids. Your cloudy pool water can also be an indication that chlorine levels are low or that the filter is not working properly. Algae can also cause cloudy pool water. - Green water is an indication of green algae.pool image by Yuri Osadchi from
Various signs indicate that your swimming pool has an algae problem. If you notice a pink or white slime, this indicates pink algae, which is actually a fungus. Green cloudy water is a sign of green algae. Green algae are common and readily treated. Black spongy spots observed in your pool are commonly from black algae. Black algae are difficult to get rid of in plastered pools. Shock treatments to your pool in the form of high chlorine levels will help destroy algae, as will an appropriate commercial algaecide, brushing and vacuuming the pool, and circulating the water nonstop. - Staining can be the result of low pH or the presence of manganese, copper, or iron in the pool water. While these stains are not a cause of illness, they can lead to high repair costs. Stains are removed by stain removers, swimming pool resurfacing or by acid washing.
- Like an exposed body of water, a swimming pool can be subject to contamination because the environment and swimmers carry contaminants into the pool water. Proper maintenance is vital to prevent diseases such as gastroenteritis, salmonella and hepatitis A. Illnesses like these can be avoided by maintaining the proper chemical balances in your pool water. Giardia and cryptosporidium are two parasites that cause diarrhea in swimmers. To reduce the spread of these parasites, do not swim when you have diarrhea and avoid getting pool water in your mouth.