Home & Garden Gardening

Garden Calendar For March

The temperature in March is very changeable, but it does not mean you should not prepare your garden before the season.
Below are provided useful tips, how to take care of the garden during this quixotic month.
Leafy trees and shrubs If the temperature is above 0 degree, you should take off (or at least loll) the coverage from the plants to avoid overheating.
Delicate, night frosts are not so dangerous for buds (unless there are strong frosts predicted).
At the end of the month you can cut heather and bindweed.
In case of: roses, Potentilla, Spiraea, hydrangea you should shorten last year growths.
Other species can be just cleared from dried and freezing branches, leafs etc.
Tools should be sharp to the wounds could scar over quickly.
Conifers All coniferous species are endangered by so called "physiological drought" which is when the sun causes water evaporation from the plant and frozen ground does not allow it to fill the lack of water.
In this case it is good to shade the shrubs to limit evaporation.
You can also protect the plants by regular watering the ground in warm days.
Fruit trees and shrubs big trees like apples, pears and plum-trees should be cut radically (leave only 7-8 branches).
Remember about removing the one, dominating branch of the tree, it enhances harmonious growth of all tree.
In the second part of month cut the trees that were planted autumn.
Lawn When the ground is already dry you can rake the lawn and remove all reminiscences of the last season.
Then roll the lawn to align the surface.
If you notice the moss on the grass, which means the ground is acidulous, you should pour the lime on the surface.
Pond When the ice is already melted, you can mount fountain and filtering devices, which will improve the oxygenation of the pond and help fishes to breath.
Do not feed fishes yet!

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