Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Do it Yourself Garage Floor Coating

    • 1). Remove all of the items from the garage including removable cabinetry. Sweep out all of the debris from the garage. You can also use a leaf blower to blow debris out of the garage if you like.

    • 2). Scrub the floor with a wire scrub brush and mineral sprits to remove all grease and oil from the ground. It is common to have a large build up on the floor, especially where you car sits.

    • 3). Apply acid etch with a mop to the floor to remove any excess dirt and oil.

    • 4). Hose off the cleaners and acid etch and allow the floor to completely dry before moving on. Allowing 24-hours to dry is a good idea.

    • 5). Fill in any cracks or voids in the concrete with concrete patching and allow adequate drying time.

    • 6). Mix two-part epoxy paint or use a one-part epoxy concrete flooring paint. Trim the edges of the floor with a paintbrush and then roll it onto the floor with a paint roller. If necessary, apply a second coat. Allow time to dry before placing anything back into the garage.

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