Family & Relationships Conflict

Getting an Ex Back - What to Do After Breaking Up

The theme is everywhere - books, movies, and even Christmas Songs! Getting an ex back has become a downright obsession.
Is your relationship in the toilet? Are you willing to walk through fire to get your beloved back? Where there's a will, there's always a way.
Of course, there are no magic love potions.
Sooner or later, your ex will have to be willing to give your relationship another chance.
However, if you're smart, you'll be able to make all the right moves to really increase your chances of success.
So, you're contemplating getting an ex back.
Before you make your first move, you've got to answer this very important question first: Were you the 'dumper' or the 'dumpee'? You're in luck if you were the 'dumper', especially if the break-up wasn't too long ago.
It's often easier for the 'dumper' to reconcile with the 'dumpee'.
Of course, if you've got a bitter 'dumpee', then you may just find yourself fighting an uphill battle.
But that battle isn't impossible to win; it's just a little more difficult, and it'll last a little bit longer.
On the contrary, if you were the 'dumpee', you may have to do a little soul-searching and find they person inside you that your ex fell for in the first place.
And don't lose all hope if your ex has moved on to someone else.
Think positive thoughts! After answering that first important question, your next crucial step is to take a step back and wait.
After the break-up, give yourself plenty of time without contacting your ex.
What's the point in trying to reconcile if the break-up is still only a couple weeks old? You may find it best to wait as long as a few months before attempting to get back together.
How long you wait depends entirely on the circumstances of the break-up, and your ex's personality.
No matter how long it takes, just remember that nobody appreciates a Gloomy Gus.
Don't lock yourself in your room and pine away for your beloved.
A negative attitude will just make getting an ex back a lot harder.
Keep a positive outlook.
Live your life, and enjoy doing it! You want your ex to see you in the best possible light.
You already know you're an amazing person.
Now you've just got to remind your ex! With a little luck, before you know it your ex will want to be with that amazing person once more!

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