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Symptoms of Diabetes in Women - Warning Signs to Be Aware Of

Diabetes can affect men and women differently so it is no surprise that the symptoms of the onset of this disease can also vary.
The common symptoms of Diabetes include:
  • constant thirst
  • frequent urination
  • constant hunger
  • constant fatigue and feeling tired
  • weight loss
  • slow healing sores, cuts, blisters
  • dry, itchy rashes
  • numbness or tingling in extremities
  • blurry vision
  • frequent infections
If you exhibit several or all of these symptoms see your doctor immediately and inform him/her of your concerns.
Women may experience these symptoms in a more unique way as compared to men.
Specifically, the following are signs symptoms of diabetes in women to watch for:
  • High blood pressure during pregnancy can be a symptom of Gestational Diabetes
  • Emotional symptoms such as irritability and lethargy
  • Sexual symptoms such as pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse, reduced vaginal lubrication and sensitivity, and an inability to achieve orgasm
  • Vaginal yeast infections
  • Urinary tract infections
High Blood Pressure Gestational Diabetes is a type of diabetes that affects pregnant women.
While no obvious symptoms may be seen, high blood pressure and its own side effects can serve as indicators of gestational diabetes.
Emotional Symptoms Women experience emotion with more intensity than men in most cases so emotional health can be an excellent indicator of diabetes.
Frequent urination, constant hunger, and other seemingly "normal" conditions can often be the root causes of emotional distress in women that have diabetes.
Therefore, emotional problems such as irritability, lethargy, and being annoyed easily can be symptoms of someone suffering from undiagnosed diabetes.
These symptoms are often ignored due to the plethora of reasons which can cause women to experience these emotions.
However, if these emotions begin to manifest regularly and persist over time, they should be taken more seriously.
Sexual Symptoms Diabetes can cause several obvious symptoms to develop in women.
Pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse can be a symptom of many diseases including diabetes.
Also, reduced vaginal lubrication and sensitivity coupled with an inability to achieve orgasm are also documented signs and symptoms of diabetes in women.
The physiological explanations for each of these symptoms are beyond the scope of this article however more information should be sought after should you find yourself exhibiting these symptoms.
Physical Symptoms Besides the common symptoms listed at the beginning of this article, there are physical symptoms that may manifest in women.
Vaginal yeast infections and Urinary tract infections are common symptoms that may be found in women.
These symptoms can often be indicators for other diseases as well.

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