Health & Medical Beauty & Style

Adjusting To Life With Dermatitis

Eczema is one skin condition that can be very difficult to figure out and master. Given this fact you will most likely try several treatments some which will work and some which will not. It is trial and error so don't give up. It is important to keep track of the treatments that seem to be working both to reduce redness as well as for itching purposes. Try to test just one or two variables at a time to measure this.

The first thing on anyone's mind with dermatitis is how to minimize or eliminate itching. The secret here involves moisturizing. Dry skin can be a huge trigger for eczema flare-ups. It is best if you apply thick non-scented lotion for sensitive skin directly after showering. This helps lock in the moisture and prevent scaling and peeling. Don't just do this once a day but continue applying the lotion throughout the day. When your skin is hydrated, the inclination to scratch it is reduced.

A great option for someone who needs immediate relief is taking an antihistamine. These antihistamines will help make the allergic reaction your skin is having less intense and give you the ability to sleep without discomfort. People have found antihistamines helpful for red ant bites and very intense itching scenarios. Do not use a night version of an antihistamine during the day as that will impeded your ability to concentrate at school or work efficiently at the office.

Some moisturizers that people find helpful include aquaphor, vaseline, coconut oils and products containing aloe vera as well as tea tree oil. Check for any allergies and be sure to read labels for additives you have problems with such as nuts or dairy ingredients. Your dermatologist may ask you to use a steroid cream topically twice a day as well to help skin irritations and bumps.

Study both your environment and your diet closely. There may be hidden factors at play that are making your skin aggravated. Call cousins you may have lost touch with to see if they have had similar skin issues. Sometimes there is a genetic thread that can be uncovered and you can share their discoveries. Do not give up or feel it is hopeless. As you identify triggers you will heal the skin and be less troubled by this condition. Do not feel you have to stay at home as your condition is not contagious. Explain to people at work or school the situation so there are not any unnecessary social pressures or moments of awkwardness.

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