Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Applied Kinesiology - What is It?

Applied Kinesiology was developed by chiropractor George Goodheart, Jr.
over forty years ago.
It is an alternative medicine diagnostic tool and treatment methodology and also comes under the banner of energy medicine.
Applied Kinesiology uses a form of muscle testing which shows a resistance test linking to the muscles, glands and organs within the body.
The strength of the muscle is tested and result is believed to be related to the health of the organ or area of the body being tested.
Applied kinesiology utilizes the philosophies of other holistic therapies, including osteopathy, meridian therapy, and physical manipulation modalities.
Each within the body movement has an active muscle that is "on" and an opposing muscle that turns "off".
Muscular imbalances can be corrected using manual pressure on the muscle as well as other techniques.
Kinesiology is used by the chiropractic profession and professional kinesilogists to treat structural imbalances and muscle and joint problems.
It can also used as an indicator of organ dysfunction.
For example, the deltoid muscle is thought to be related to the lungs, so a muscle test on the deltoid muscle can indicate of the health of the lungs.
If the muscle is weakened due to a chronic infection, the applied kinesiologist would use techniques to stimulate the blood and nerve function, lymphatic drainage, and acupuncture energy to the unbalanced area.
When the illness has been resolved, the function of the deltoid muscle would improved.
Applied Kinesiology can also be used to identify requirements for vitamins and supplements which might be needed to improve the health condition.
As an example, if the deltoid muscle is weakened because of the chronic lung infection, the kinesiologist will test several supplements and vitamins by placing them, one at a time, on the tongue and then retesting the deltoid muscle.
Proponents of Applied Kinesiology believe that placing substances on the tongue stimulate nerve endings and different brain regions.
Another application of Applied Kinesiology is to help to identify food intolerances and sensitivities.
By using muscle testing, foods that cause reactions are identified by reversible muscle weakness.
Applied kinesiology practitioners ask their clients to place samples of foods into the mouth one at a time while muscle tests are performed and the undertake the muscle testing techniques to look for reactions.
This method of testing for food sensitivities is now becoming very popular as an easy and safe to test your self for food sensitivities as it is simple to learn how to do this at home on yourself and family.
For instructions on how to do a food intolernce test using kinesiology visit this link - http://www.

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