Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Continuation of Life: Murder Doesn"t Pay

Recently I was asked, "Why is it that people who are murdered cannot avenge themselves or bring their killers to justice? Is it all fake and false?" The answer is simpler than it appears, but is unacceptable to our linear minds.
On our planet of contrast, where our passion is to exert control over our life and the lives of others, nothing but total revenge seems just.
However, in our "dead life," revenge is not part of the game.
In your dead life, once you walk into the Light, you live in Unconditional Love.
You are loved and accepted "as is.
" There are no rejects.
The God of judgment lives in our minds.
What if we are here on the planet of contrast to learn the unconditional love we take for granted on the other side is the answer to life in a body? What if you are here to learn that differences are what makes life interesting? More importantly, what if you have never, ever, done anything wrong? Before you start looking up my number to give me a piece of your mind, hang on.
This is an impossible concept because it does not fit in with what we think of as reality.
Even our language does not fit the enlightened state of being we can choose on the other side.
It requires us to live in our heart.
To use our head but live in our heart.
To feel.
To cry.
To laugh To love.
Oh, it feels so good! Is your mind saying, "Are you kidding me? I'd feel totally exposed in my heart.
You'd walk all over me.
" You may be right today, but we are moving in this direction as we raise our consciousness into the state of unconditional love, the state of the Divine itself.
Let's get back to murder.
What we cannot see with our third dimensional eyes is the continuation of life.
There is no death.
We are made of energy.
Energy changes shape but never dies.
We are all breathing the energy of Jesus, of Hitler, of our dead heroes and murderers alike.
The body disintegrates but the spirit continues.
In a different part of our life, or as we like to think, a different life, we too, were murderers, rapists, arsonists.
What if our spirit is continuous? Suppose in this lifetime you are a handsome guy but a son of a gun who beats your kid, kicks the dog, and slaps your wife? But in your last incarnation you were ineffectual with little self-confidence but were a sweetheart with others? What if you were a murderer in the non-existent past but you wouldn't dream of acting like that now? Even though there is no past, no future, no time passing except on our planet, what if when our level of consciousness was below David Hawkins' level of truth, we did everything that the reviled do today? What if the energy of the Divine never judges? What if you are murdered in this lifetime because you chose to be the fall guy to help another soul evolve? What if you are here to clear your slate, to try again? What if now you are a rabid Republican and in another incarnation you were an ardent Democrat? Does the thought make your skin bristle? It's the same concept.
We are all in a perpetual state of evolution of consciousness.
In our bodies we experience life in a different form from our past incarnations.
Ugly/pretty, smart/ not so, loving/hateful.
On our planet of contrast everything gets to be experienced.
It's the gift of humanity.
Imagine being in a movie where you are the actor or actress.
In fact you are all the characters, the villain and the hero and heroine.
That's life.
Although it is almost impossible to accept that each of us could be these people we view a heinous criminals, a couple of centuries back, what if we were just as they are? Killing some guy in this life doesn't kill him.
Energy never dies.
Each of us has to figure out our path for ourselves.
Murder and killing of anyone for whatever reason, does not work because we continue.
We bring our hate and/or our love with us.
It is the evolution of consciousness that gradually elevates us from the pit of despair brutality can create.
Creating more brutality, even in the name of justice, does not make the deed right or better.
Justice comes from living lifetime after lifetime, each separated by a refresher course in your dead life.
Either you move into the Light of Unconditional Love or you choose to remain close to earth and not evolve.
We are beings of choice in spite of what we think.

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