Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Very Early Symptoms of Pregnancy - First Step After Getting Pregnant

There are many symptoms and signs of pregnancy that a woman may experience in their early days of pregnancy.
There are some very early symptoms of pregnancy that can be noticed even before missing a period.
Unfortunately these pregnancy symptoms are more like the symptoms a woman generally experiences before her regular periods.
This similarity makes it difficult to distinguish between the two.
However following signs are helpful in diagnosing the pregnancy.
First of all, the women notice that their breasts are tender.
Some women link this sign of pregnancy to PMS.
However if the woman is pregnant the breasts not only become tender but slightly swollen as well.
The reason of this tenderness is that body starts to prepare for the baby's milk the moment conception takes place.
Some woman also experiences a low energy level in early pregnancy.
Women feel tired and fatigued in the early days of pregnancy.
Generally woman link these tired feelings to other routine things of lives.
The fact however is that fatigue is caused by changing level of hormones and the chemistry of body.
It is because of the sheer work that body has to do to prepare it during conception.
The best thing to avoid this early pregnancy fatigue is to go to bed as early as possible.
The next early sign of pregnancy is implantation bleeding.
This is a rare sign of pregnancy.
A vaginal bleeding that ranges in color from pink to brown is seen a few days before when the menstrual periods were expected.
This discharge is the result of implantation of fertilized egg in the uterus.
This sign of pregnancy occurs only in 1/3rd of all pregnant women.
Then comes the trademark pf early pregnancy and this is nausea.
Many women think that they have a food poisoning or it is because of some bug.
This nausea develops gradually from slight in the beginning to intense in the later days.
Generally women confuse this slightly growing nausea with stomach flu.
Another sure shot sign of pregnancy is missed period.
The women who do not keep the track record of their periods take some time to catch this sign of pregnancy.
The women who fail to understand the alarm given to them by nausea get a stronger ring of bell by missing the period.
Nausea and missed period also cause an increase in hunger.
The main cause behind this increasing hunger is that body has to work hard during the initial days of pregnancy for supporting the embryo.

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