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How to Attract Women

Finding that special girl to spend your life with has become harder and harder these days.
Women can now work and take care of themselves.
It's intimidating for a man to feel as though he won't be needed.
Men have to separate themselves from the financial aspects of a relationships.
You are worth more than being the breadwinner.
Young girls dream of running into the arms of their prince and he doesn't usually have a bank statement in his hand.
It's how he makes her feel that drives this prince charming fantasy.
That young girl knows that prince charming will take her in his arms and love and protect her.
All her fears are over when it comes to him.
To him, she is the most beautiful person in the world and no one else matters.
She will become first in his life.
He would turn his back on everything else if she needed him to.
Of course he would let her have her freedom to adventure into other day to day pleasures, but at the end of the day, they belong to each other.
Doesn't that sound just great! It's a fairy tale.
Or is it? Can you really make a woman believe she has found her prince charming? I believe you can or at least come close to their fantasy.
It will take some effort on your part.
First, you need to find someone who you think deserves this treatment.
Don't just go out and grab someone to test it on.
If you are seriously looking for a relationship, then find someone you are truly interested in.
Converse with her and learn what interests you two share.
Be yourself, no one likes a phoney.
Get to know her as a person and not just a sexual being.
Chemistry isn't just about the physical, its also about being connected in a mental way.
You are not going to see eye to eye on every conversation, but at least you will have some respect for your own opinions.
Make her laugh.
Laughter makes a woman feel pretty.
It brings out the little girl in her.
If she likes you she'll laugh at your jokes, even if they're not that funny.
Keep trying, you'll get better.
Always approach her with a smile, she has to smile back.
If not then move on to someone else.
Don't waist your time trying to force someone to see what you have to offer.
Sometimes they are just not meant to be.
There is someone out there for everyone, you have to keep looking.
Don't ever think that a woman is above you.
Women who are serious about finding someone, are not looking for that guy.
When it comes to dating, we are all on the same level.
Some are just out to find a short-term partner and others are looking for something more secure.
Whatever the case may be.
You do want to find someone you can have fun with.
You know you can always count on that person to bring a smile to your spirit.
Is it harder to talk to women when they are in a group? Of course it is! Start off by talking to everyone.
If one young lady stands out, then make sure you keep a mental record of her words.
They came as a group, so you will have to treat them as such.
Ease your way into a one on one conversation with that special one.
Remember to never exclude the others during this time.
You build up points if you have consideration for everyone.
You'll start to become more attractive to them all, but focus most of your attention on that special one.
Before the night is over, she'll think of you as her man.
You can find love anywhere.
Get out and explore the world around you.
Become the life of the party.
The guy that everyone wants to be around.

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